Heavy Metal Affliction - 2003 Ferrari 360 Spider

Forza community member and Microsoft employee Fernando Garcia – Gamertag FerRrari – is a friend of VoodooUomo. He recently acquired his dream car, a Ferrari 360 Spider.

Read the HMA and check out the photos I shot and the brief video we made.

I ask you two questions. One what is your favorite Ferrari model? Two, what Ferrari would you buy if you were in the market and why?

I look forward to your responses.


My favorite model is La Ferrari. The reason is just because the styling is so unique.

But if I was going to buy one it would be a 360 Challenge Stradale because I like the balance of handling and speed in that car. It just seems to be the right mix (according to Forza games lol - I wish I had driven one in real life).

You are a wise man. I’ve always loved the Challenge Stradale. You can take it for long drives on the weekend AND track it. It also gained the approval of Jeremy Clarkson, a must.

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When I was younger, I dreamed of someday owning a 360 as well. But now that I’ve grown up, the only Ferrari’s I have my eyes on are the F40 and the '84 308 GTS <3

Best looking car ever made though is the 250 GT Lusso. I doubt I’ll ever own one though :frowning:

Thanks for the story Johniwanna, it was a lot of fun!
I love my 360, next one on the list is a 275 GTB :slight_smile:

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I’m probably the only one that will admit it but I would love a Mondial with some 328 wheels. I might even get to own one someday.

Firstly, I’d like to say that the article was well-written and the photography for it was sublime. I genuinely enjoyed reading it, instead of just scanning the article for the pictures. I do have to concede that I feel really poor in knowing that I probably won’t own a Ferrari. For that I blame the article for making me aware of my bank balance.

On to the purpose of this thread, I am a self-confessed Ferrari-addict. I love almost all of Ferrari’s efforts (almost - there are a few that fall short though, but I won’t mention them.) There’s one Ferrari that holds a special place in my heart. Interestingly enough, this car was also the reason I got into Forza, and sparked my interest in cars from, “looks cool” to “wow - that’s special.” It was the cover car for Forza Motorsport 4. If you can’t guess, a 2009 Ferrari 458 Italia is my dream car. I’d rather have an Italia over a Speciale, and for one reason: I like the active aero on the Italia a little bit more. I prefer the winglets on the Italia than the nostrils on the Speciale - it’s a defining characteristic of the car, and it just doesn’t look quite right to me without them. I’m also not a big fan of the wingtips on the sides of the Speciale, and the rear bumper and diffuser look much cleaner on the Italia. So I’m willing to give up some horsepower and undoubtedly a great addition in the form of the new Side-slip Control System.

If I could own a 458, I’d have it in either Rosso Corsa or Rosso Mugello - a Ferrari should almost always be in red for me. Ideally I’d have one with a beige leather interior, and the rims would be 20" forged diamond rims in a very dark grey or black. The brake calipers would likely be Giallo Modena yellow, and have a sport exhaust system. The yellow tachometer completes the build - the red tach looks more aggressive, but I choose the yellow one for variety.

Anyways, that’s my dream Ferrari - a 2009 Ferrari 458 Italia. Hopefully one that’s not on fire. I’m very interested in seeing some of the other responses.


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I’m assuming I’ll be in a small minority on my choice, but I would have to go with a Dino 246 GT (I suppose a GTS would do as well). As much as I love modern sports cars, I’m a sucker for classic cars, and to me, Ferrari in particular is all about “history.”

Plus, it’s a gorgeous work of art.

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A few years ago, you could buy a Dino for <$50K, nowadays you’ll need over $300K to buy one, so I think there’s a lot of people who share your opinion about the Dinos being desirable. (I do think they are beautiful pieces of art).

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Whether other people choose the same as you or not this is one quesiton where there is not a wrong answer - they all rock.

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Hy there,
I’m 41 years old, so my favorite is the 612 Scaglietti
best regards,

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Congratulations to Fernando on realising his dream!

I laughed when I read the part about Fernando screaming “Woo Hoo” on his first drive - I had a similar experience when I collected my current car. It doesn’t matter what type of car you’re into, finally getting the car of your dreams is a feeling like no other. It’s one thing driving a dream car, but driving it knowing that you own it is something else entirely.

As for the car itself - what a car!

The 360 is one of those Ferrari’s that just gets better with age. I’ve always found it much cleaner looking than the F430 (although I do like the F430’s “happy” front expression) and more charming than a 458. And with the roof off it looks simply stunning - definitely the best way to enjoy a Ferrari V8!

With 360hp it’s also one of those Ferrari’s that you can totally exploit the performance in. Arguably the current Ferrari line up is approaching (if not exceeding) the limits of performance that can be realistically enjoyed.

As for what I’d take?

I’m going to be boring and ask for the exact same as Fernando’s, but I’ll take the Challenge wheels on mine please!


Congratulations, Fernando! That’s a hell of a car, mate. A hell of a car. o.o;

My Ferrari baby has always been, and will always be, the 355 Challenge. I used to watch them race when I was growing up and I just loved the way they looked, sounded, and handled.
It’s just got this body style that hasn’t been seen in over a decade, much like the Lotus Esprit.

I’ve been to a ton of car shows, and something about the engine note this car hits when it starts up just gives you a fizzy feeling in your gut.

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I don’t think you can go wrong with any Ferrari, so long as you can afford the service.

For me I have always dreamed about owning a “Magnum P.I.” or 308 GTB. It is also one of the most affordable. From my limited knowledge it is also supposed to be fairly reliable and serviceable.

Someday, I keep saying.

Fernando did it so right, that trip across the country in the 360 Spider is something I’m sure we all dream of.


…when dreams come true… great target and great how Fernando reached it… big Hands to that!
My fave is the F40,since i were invited in younger life to do a lap on the ring as a co-pilot.
If i’d have the money to buy one-i would buy another italian classic out of the Maranello neighborhood :wink:

Thanks guys! The car is amazing, I’ve already put over 4,000 miles on it (car had only 5,000 when I bought it!), every time I get in it is quite an experience!

On our way back:

Mt. Rushmore:

George WA:

Having fun with friends the next day:

Thats my favorite photo, The ferrari is really nice but i think i like the white hat you have on just as much. Going to have to make a decision later on that one.

By the way i think you should try and get your hands on a set of F430 rims they would make it look so much better :slight_smile:

Thanks Prime. The hat is a 60th anniversary hat I got at the Rome Ferrari Store a few years ago. I’m considering getting a set of Challenge Stradale wheels though I’ll most likely spend the money on track time.