I’m not sure if it’s me but I’m noticing inconsistencies in how my car behaves from one session to the next.
For instance in one session i’m getting massive understeer and the car has no grip but the following day its like a dream.
I’m jumping from tune to tune with the same car and I’m thinking the constant reloading of the setup is having a influence.
The setups are identical with the exception of brake pressure and i’m not getting the understeer under braking just mid corner and exit.
I’m a reasonably consistent driver within a second on nearly every lap but i’m currently varying from 1-3 seconds per day. At first I put this
down to a few bad days but It’s starting to seem quite regular now.
Ive had issues with cars some days having more understeer one day vs another. Buying a new car seems to help.
Other times it was my controller. I had my second left thumb stick break the other day. With that controller I can sometimes turn right really good and other times not.so much.
Had this happen from the start. After all the loading setup issues for a while I just attributed it to that. One of the reasons I gave up playing.
I thought this was fixed, has it reared its ugly head again?
I have no idea, I can’t see my suspension settings in game any more as they removed the tuning in a hot lap session feature for FM5. I know what I feel though and sometimes it isn’t right.
I experienced this for the first time yesterday but figured I was being crazy, the difference was pretty drastic though so I’m glad others are seeing the same thing. Experimentation is afoot!

I experienced this for the first time yesterday but figured I was being crazy, the difference was pretty drastic though so I’m glad others are seeing the same thing. Experimentation is afoot!
I was in the same boat initially but 3 secs a lap is drastic as you say.
I have the same problem with the behavior of my cars. It is sometimes from lap to lap, i´m coming with the same speed to a corner and choose “nearly” the same breakpoint (maybe 1 meter difference) and one lap it works perfect, the next lap the cars don´t wanna slow down. Same problems i have faced with the grip in corners. The worst thing is when i make a setup and drive it in testride, im able to get 10 laps in a row the same laptime (just 0,1 to 0,2 sec difference) and at the rivals i´m often 1 second slower.
my guess Is its either tyer flex or tyer pressures
I’ve noticed a difference between test drive and time attack. This makes me wonder why test drive laps aren’t allowed in the leader boards. Is there different physics between the two events?
I play FM5 daily, almost religiously and I have never noticed the traction issue. Just yesterday I was trying my darnest in Test Drive then moved to Rivals and I improved my Test Drive time by 0.100 second. I frequently equal or better the laptime in Rivals.
I am just not seeing any of these issues but last week I have experienced framerate slowdown for a whole race session. It was running at noticeable 15~20 fps. Once the console was restarted, the problem magically disappeared.
I’m wondering if XB1 is trying to do too many things all at the same time: 5 minute dvr record is on all the time; FM5 is also trying to save replay data at the same time; there are others apps running in the background; kinect is scanning the room, etc., etc.
How does that affect the traction, I don’t know. All I know is that when there are too many things going on simultaneously in XB1 undesirable events are more frequent.
Have to admit this is something I can’t say I’ve seen either.
How old are the tunes you are using? There was that glitch where the front end of the cars settings would not load. It was fixed but I think T10 mentioned any tune from before the fix would still have the problem.
To check flip on the telemetry while you are not moving and have not started moving yet in Rivals or test drive. If the front camber is -1.0 and front tire pressure is 30psi the tune most likely did not load. That means the aero didn’t load, the springs didn’t etc. That would cause massive under steer.
I am going to follow swerves advice and delete the old
car buy a new one and retune it. Then run test drive to
see if its fixed.
To run rivals you must be connected to the server.
Is it possible if your having unknown problems with the
Server this could cause issues with handling although not
Glaringly obvious to you?
More likely if it’s a server issue you would be told Rivals is unavailable at this time.