Hardcore MP Lobbys

Hey guys,
I would really like to see Hardcore Modes for MP Races like TC or GT. This should include Full Damage, longer Races 30 min and more, flag system (which hopefully will arrive in this game) no ghosting after crash’s or blue flags and stuff like headlight flashing etc.

I think this would help the game to bring back lost drivers. there would be much more cleaner fights (radar would be nice) and the overall Motorsport experience would be better. I mean when you call a Game „Motorsport“ than you should deliver Motorsport and put more focus on the details. Especially for those people like us who love the franchise and want it to do better.

In case someone from Turn10 will read this, you could use this hardcore modus for testing new features like flags, weather radar, race rader und stuff like this. And listen to the feedback to make it better.

Playing with the racing line and assists makes everyone reasonably fast on any car and track. People who enjoy a sim experience, and learning the track and the car’s limits instead of hitting colored arrows, are usually not competitive, and end up being rear ended in a braking section since they don’t magically know the exact braking spot.

The main argument here is that depending on your settings, you’re either playing a car version of Guitar Hero, or a racing semi-simulation. Both of these are very fun, and both of these are very polished. Both are viable. But the problem is, they are - essentially - two completely different games. Both games exist inside the FM umbrella, but only the arcade style is served in the online modes.

Understanding the need to not spread the online playerbase too thin, maybe just one hardcore lobby running would be an option. But the hardcore playstyle seemingly has a sizeable following that is currently only served in private multplayer sessions.

The request is to create even a minimal blueprint for hardcore settings racing.


what is the purpose of qualifying then? the slow ones can clown around in the back. Or, you know, public lobbies that are user generated…

OOOO, how about the safety rating? I thought that was supposed to fix the slow and fast people.

Another brilliant idea, lets put aim assist in a shooting game!