Night driving is enjoyable again with the track lights reflecting on the dash and shadows moving around cars. However, there are still no shadows dancing around track objects like the orange hazard cones or distance markers/sponser boards in the grass. Can this be fixed too please?
I also seem to remember the entire dash lighting up and shadows moving around inside when an AI car’s headlight beams are behind my car. Right now, it’s just the driver’s gloves lighting up and no dash shadows or lighting. FH4 does this beautifully on X-one-X even at the 60fps setting. I’m pretty sure it was there in FM7 a few months back.
Finally, since I see shadows moving in front and around an AI car when I’m behind it, shouldn’t I also see a shadow of my car moving around in front of me when an AI car’s headlights are behind me?
The only thing I can suggest is providing side by side comparisons with a before & after showing the difference in either pictures or video & then submit another ticket. Even if the ticket isn’t responded to, it sometimes will go up as a “Known Issue” on the Forza Support site.
Watch carefully around the 40 second mark: you can see lovely shadows dancing behind the orange cones as the player's car goes through a left-hander. This is a 4 month old video.
One of the first things I noticed after playing FM7 on the One-X was how beautifully the shadows moved around stationary track objects and cars. While the shadows around cars are back, those around objects aren’t.
You can find a lot more videos from a few months back or a year back - and you’ll see shadows moving behind cones, sponsor boards, distance markers, etc.
Yeah I see what you mean. I guess the only good thing is I couldn’t notice it until I slowed the video down to 0.25X speed. I’ll have a look tonight if the shadows are totally gone or not, but sending a really short comparison video or image in a ticket should help.
Link is working! Please scroll up and have a look for comparison. I’d appreciate if you too could send them a ticket. Thanks Evan for your quick responses!
As I said in the other thread. This is how it has always looked on Xbox One (& X). Only the PC version at its highest setting has headlights casting shadows on tracks side objects.
for real? that’s disappointing to say the least. thanks for taking the trouble to clarify. remember seeing dynamic shadows around objects on my one-x though. i’m quite surprised that the X can’t do this at 60fps.
i checked fh4 btw - and it only does dynamic shadows around roadside objects at the quality setting.