Hello, i have a huge problem with my Samsung Neo G9 Monitor in the native Ultra-Widescreen Resolution 5120x1440.
The game starts in 32:9 with the Turn10/Microsoft Studios Logos and the main menu and all intro sequence appears in 16:9.
But as soon as I can take over the steering wheel in the game, the resolution changes to 32:9. This completely tears out the immersion when the aspect ratio is constantly changed between the menu, sequences and then during the actual gameplay. This means that my image in the main menu and in all sequences (even before the flying start!!!) the image is only centered in 16:9 with gigantic black borders and only as soon as you can actually take over the steering wheel the aspect ratio changes to 32:9 !
I have tested it on my Dual Montor Setup (one 16:9 Screen runs as secondary Desktop, the game runs on the 32:9 UltraWide Screen Monitor).
My Friend has tested it also on 32:9 UltraWide in Single Monitor Setup and has the same issue.
My following commenter in this post has the same problem at 21:9
This makes for absolute confusion, especially during the flying start! 4 Photos with Description attached.
Tested on PC, downloaded via Microsoft Store.
Menus being 16:9 only is kind of standard so I don’t hold that against them. I have submitted bug reports for photo mode and even replays though so hopefully those show up in the known issues soon.
Add another to the list who finds this absolutely absurd - browsing the menus when literally half the screen is black is awful and hard to believe they would miss something this basic for a racing sim/game.
I gave up playing Forza Motorsport shortly after release due to the lack of widescreen support. Unfortunately, there is also no mention of improvement for shortly upcoming patches. Really a shame for such a great game.
The developers have investigated this and determined this is by design. The intro video is 32:9 and other non- in race scenes are in 16:9. Once actively racing, it is in 32:9.