Goliath Goliath

I always liked the endurance races in the Forza Motorsport games (RIP my Forza 6), but when I saw the chance to do 50 laps on Goliath… 1400+ miles (2300+ km), I jumped at it.

And after 8 hours and 55 minutes without break… It was a true accomplishment.
That I will never do again.

Thanks for letting me play through 6 full day/night cycles in one race, T10. The Forza 1400 was probably the coolest thing I’ve done in a racing/driving game.

Would I recommend doing 50 laps on Goliath to anyone? Especially without pausing? No. But it is awesome.
Goliath is still great though, especially with xp/credit Horizon Edition cars.


Yeah its a good race, even doing 10 laps i did with a few friends a few days ago took us nearly 2 hours but we did get a hell of a lot of credits and xp from it as i leveled up 20 times from that race

Suppose T10/PG created a e-Sport (somewhere along the line) type challenge where the final race is a 50 lap Goliath race?

Streamed on twitch. Just like that contest in FM6, recently.

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Could you link me to the VOD? Thanks

No pausing for 8 hours ? No food , drinks, bathroom ?
It’s just a game, no need to kill your self for extra credits.


Been there, done that. 8 hours is nothing if you’re really into it.

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Agreed. So… who wants 50 laps around nuremburg ring?

Yup, Goliath is going to kill someone at this rate…


Yeah, I did 20 laps there yesterday, and still needed two pause breaks. Lap 6, had to use the restroom. Lap 13, had to give my eyes a break.

Very cool. I was stoked when I saw this one allowed laps as opposed to the FH2 finale. It’s just a shame there aren’t more long races, when there is so much scope for them on the map. So many missed opportunities. Well done on the 50.


You never know what other routes will open up with the expansions :slight_smile: Then again, there are indeed enough opportunities on the current map to run longer distance as a circuit/track although not implemented at this time.

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I might do the 50 lapper, just to say i did it, idk though, maybe 20 max

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I have done 4 laps. That is enough for me lol

I do intend taking some of the cars I have not yet photographed for single laps. I think I still have 60 to photograph.


I’d normally just jump right into it… .but I guess I am getting to old for this :joy:. A few laps at a time will do at the moment…who knows…

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I think they have the balance of circuit racing a little off. I like having big circuits like goliath in the game but I sure miss the Beaumont city circuit in horizon 1, I think that was the best circuit on all the series so far. It seems the circuits have shrunk but then again it’s early days with more content and monthly rivals to come.

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I miss Beaumont! Really liked that circuit

Goliath is an awesome addition to circuits.
Rainforest circuit is nice. As well as rolling meadows.
It be nice to get a few more that are say 2-2.5min laps

I’ve done it (with breaks) and it is really rewarding

At my age of 62, I just can’t race the S class cars at that tempo without wrecking. So I’ll race an A or B class comfortably but even then 3 laps is about my limit before the nerves start to shred. I’m good with something like this.


Hi all where do I find the 50 lap race as can’t find it on my game

You have to set up a blueprint, where you can choose the number of laps, time of day, and weather. But first, you’ll need to upgrade Byron Bay festival to level 5 before you unlock Goliath.