Get a summary at the end of a race of Ratings changes

I think it’s important that at the end of a race you can get a summary of how much you’ve gone up or down in your skill and safety level. It’s annoying having to leave the next event just to see how your skill points and security are doing.



That’s right, a little more information at the end of the race, information that makes it more competitive… that’s what ranked games


I would also like winning to feel more important on multiplayer. We still have the classic bragging and being the “fast guy” rights, but I think if everyone had something to gain and/or show off during the pre-race intermission or even a counter like Gran Turismo has.

The races I have had so far, have been really fun, but what if I could show my friends something that was hard fought for. Hell you could add some accolades in for even bein in a certain saftey class for so long.


Keeping it secret is frustrating. Like they are purposely trying to not remind bad drivers they are bad. Also, the rating system starts you out way too high. You lose all sense of progression and when you can’t even get competitive lobbies at 4900? Knowing where you are would be nice though.

Also would be nice to see how many pit stops your opponents made to see whats the fastest strategy

Agree. It’s understandable how it’s a mistery to know how the rakings works.

This Feature can be really helpful.

I think priority should be making the rating system actually do something, but once (if?) it does start working, then yes this would be a very nice addition.

It would be perfect to see the evaluation of your race conduct. Since the average today is of the last 20 races to know whether with 0.30 seconds penalty you still get an S or an A or not.
So there is a complete lack of transparency.

Yes please.