"The ultimate automotive playset – Forza Motorsport 7 features more than 700 ForzaVista cars to collect, race and customize and 30 racing environments with more than 200 ribbons. Plus, Forza Motorsport 7 offers more Porsche models than any racing game and an unparalleled portfolio of car manufacturers, including every premium brand. And for the first time in Forza’s history, players can personalize their appearance with a massive race gear collection that includes hundreds of options spanning decades of race history and pop culture. "
I wonder if 700+ cars is at game launch, I kind of feel that it is, It would seem odd to be throwing around that number, and including yet to be planned DLC, so lets assume 700+ at launch, anyone feel this game (FM7) would finally bust that 550 car barrier garage limit, which many of us hate? I hope so, I really do love having one of every car, and get frustrated that its not possible in so many of the games from FM4 on. (Exception being FM5) Will be interested to see how this plays out, if anyone hears any news about garage limit changes (if any), please link it in this thread.
The garage limit would most likely be set at 1,000 cars much like other FM games. As to how many cars FM7 will finish with once all DLC is released, the exact number is unknown, but a rough estimate when taking a look at FM6 DLC would be this for DLC cars:
6 monthly car packs covered by the car pass with 7 cars each for 42 cars.
2 expansions in an expansion pass with somewhere around 50 cars and 2 tracks.
5 VIP only cars.
A car pack of 10 cars not covered by the car pass around launch of FM7.
3-4 car packs of 7 cars each not covered by the car pass for 21-28 cars.
Add a few unicorns/forzathon reward cars(hard to predict how many of these cars will show up if any.)
7-10 pre-order/promo cars.
This would be around 154 post release cars which would bring the FM7 garage to about 900 or so cars if this game ships with about 750 cars. It seems that unless Forzathon makes it’s 1st FM appearance for FM7 or the day 1 garage is at over 850 cars, you should be able to get one of each of every car not counting retailer/country specific pre-order/promo cars.
That is correct, FM4 - 550 Limit on Garage Space, FM6 - 550 Limit on Garage Space, FH3 - 550 Limit on Garage Space, I hit them all so I know, the other games in the series I am unsure of, FM5 did not have hardly any cars so did not come close to the limit, but assume it as likely 550 as well.
Garage limit was still 550
You must have got rid of some
I know i did
I had all car packs as well
I got rid of all the nascars to fit everything else in
Hopefully it will be 1000 and we will be able to have 2 copies of some cars without having to delete others
There is a happy point between unstable and stable. That point gets smaller as the game gets more detail. It’s one thing to wanna collect all the cars, but be realistic. The more cars you have the more clutter you have. First: You won’t drive them all. Second: You’re more likely to be frustrated by the load times, especially when going into your garage to pick a car with the timer beeping at you that the race is about to begi… Oh looks like you’ll have to wait for the next race.
You’re probably right and I am just an oldie that doesn’t always get with the times and I should keep my mouth shut. I do remember hearing about that now and I just never cared because I played it safe.
There has to be a massive increase. Already hinted forzathon will be back in some way, so “Unicorn cars” will be tossed everywhere, all the DLC, VIP, day one pack, who knows what else. There’s no way in this universe they would give 550/600 limits with well over 700 out of the gate. The riots would be massive! lol I just hope there’s an increase in all things with limits in this game. That would be a huge +
Hope you are correct CVG, that was my impression when they were boasting 700+ cars, surely they must have increased the garage limit cap.
Also, for those that commented, I for one drive all my cars, some more then others, but I put each through at least several races, and make my own performance notes on a modified version of ManteoMax’s spread sheet. I am not a car hoarder, but I do like to have 1 each, of every car in the game or DLC, and that has not been possible with some of the FM and FH games.
This may be a bit off topic but I also hope they raise the tune saves even more than the car saves!
I like to have tunes for multiple classes on a single car to change the class in an instant. I always seem to max out both but I seem to fill the tune slots before the car slots. Seeing that I am not very talented at making my own tunes I use many from the awe done tuners in the comunity. The problem here is the best tuners make a lot of tunes. When they max out there tunes they delete the older ones. If I also delete that tune for space I will never be able to add it again unless they decide to remake it.
It would be nice to see 1,000 or 1,500 tuning slots available to use.
In addition to raising whatever limits to allow us to have more cars/tunes/paints/layer groups/etc, I’d also suggest/advise that the limits should be STATED.
Just to give an example of what I mean, let me talk about an entirely different game for a moment.
In World of Tanks, you can collect and modify tanks… However, like Forza, you can only have so many tanks. However, unlike Forza, the game tells you, right there in the garage, how many garage slots you have, how much room for more tanks you have… Knowing how much space you have to store your precious machines, whether for racing or for war, is NICE. It helps you to prioritize, it helps you to avoid making less-desirable purchases. If you know you only have five garage slots, you forget about less significant purchases, and only pick up those things you know you truly want—like that Tiger I or McLaren F1 GT/[insert alternatives that interest you greatly, here]. Same goes for your tuning files, your paint schemes, your layer groups, all of that. If you know what the limit is, you’re less likely to waste space. It’s just good information to have…
[Mod Edit - thread merged. Don’t forget to look for existing threads beyond Page 1 on the forums - MM]
I’m kind of surprised no one has brought this up yet, I mentioned it in another thread but it didn’t catch much attention.
I guess I’m posting this as kind of a reminder for people to be on the lookout for info about what the garage limit is when it’s revealed and a place to discuss in the mean time.
With 700+ cars and all this emphasis on car collecting and driving every car in the game, a 550 limit again would cause a lot of grief around here…