Garage filter by year (decade)

Have a garage filter for decade with ability to select multiple decades

Doesn’t this exist already to some degree?

Click Sort

Forza Horizon 5 2023-08-22 5_21_42 PM

Click Year

Forza Horizon 5 2023-08-22 5_21_52 PM


Kind of but sort isn’t a filter. What if you wanted to see only Pickups and SUVs from the 1990s, for example.

you can sort by decade and then filter by car class I think.
so in this case it would be sort by year → filter by “Pickups and 4x4s” only. then youll get the class for pickups and 4x4s divided up by the decades. This also lets you include multiple filters so you can have classic sports cars + classic racers while sorting by year, or all the offroad classes sorted by PI rating