Every time i get into a race or event, it takes me 2 or more button presses to get into the next gear. HAS NOT BEEN FIXED! Also game will not save my button layout profile. I use B for up and X for down, yet everytime i load into the game its reversed. Really unbelievable for such a “quality” game.
i noticed when i change cars or load into map my cars always in reverse to start… so thats the issue they gotta fix make it start in N or 1st
No issues on xsx since the hotfix was released wrt gearing or R
I wonder if my game is corrupted somehow then. Ill unistall and reinstall to see if that works.
Still broken on PC using manual without clutch and a steering wheel. Free roam spawn starts in reverse. All spawns require 2 shift ups to actually get to the next gear.
@HoodedFoot @MassBred88 @Urth900R does this issue still persist after recent updates? If so be sure you have clicked Vote above the topic title (there is only 1 vote on the topic as I post this)
We’re closing this thread due to low reports / reproductions. If you are still experiencing this issue you can create a new topic. At the time of the closing this topic had 1 vote.
Thank you,