Game shuts down and other issues after update.

After the last update, my game randomly shuts down or won’t even open. I’m also experiencing graphics issues with overlaid textures (dirt on top of highway, tree foliage stretched out over skies). This all started happening after the last update on Windows 10.

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I was doing a 50 lap race with payout of 2.5mil and just over 700k influence and quite a few level ups and wheel spins for it crash and go to the home page of my xbox one after 32 laps over 1hr half wasted and sod all to show for it as everything reset to before the race, has now put me off even playing as not starting another race to just waste more of my time!

the crashes is insane since last patch it happends 24.7 on pc
had no issues with this before something happend from that last patch

since the patch i have been getting alot of random freezes/microstutter and crashes
its insanely annoying doing forzathon or online races and the game just crashes out of no where
also having micro stutters happend alot
its impossible to drive if you get a screen freez for 5 to 15 sec at worst freezes
pretty much forces me to play offline vs bots with rewinds on to return if it freezes

gpu 1080
cpu i7 4790k
16 gb ram