Game of Thrones

Okay, after wanting a little change up in my painting life I decided to get out of my comfort zone a little and paint in a way that I wouldn’t usually do being the more realistic etc… I chose to paint a Game of Thrones design featuring Daenerys Targaryen which for me and the way I wanted to do this was challenging. I gave it a go and as a first paint in this style I believe the outcome was better than what I expected it to be haha so I have shared this design :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind doing another design like this but for now I’m not really sure what to do.

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Nice job

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I don’t know anything about Game of Thrones or even own an Xbox one yet but that looks pretty darn good to me Skreamies. Nice job, you should make a habit of stepping out of your comfort zone!

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Danerys Stormborn Targaryen: Mother of Nissans?

Nice work, you should come up with your next project yourself cause if you like and are interested in what your painting your more likely to invest more into it.

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hey Skreamies nice job, can you add like search parameters for the design. Would love to get it :slight_smile:

Just search for my gamertag while in the 350z, no need for anything else like tags

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found it thanks.

This came out great, good job Skreamies.

Don’t care for the show, but that’s great.

Thank you very much Jube, appreciate it :slight_smile:

Still yet to watch most of them, I personally liked the style of the show and thought it would make for a great first paint of this type :stuck_out_tongue:

hi m8 your your a good painter iv just started on here

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