Game File Size?

My FH4 UE edition is 61 GB on an XB1X. Any ideas if that is correct or am I missing something?

According to the “Sunrise” game folder, it say’s it is about 64.1GBs. However this might change if there is a Day One Patch.

Around 65 GB for Ultimate Edition for me on PC

My Xbox One X is showing a fully installed Ultimate Edition is 60.6 GB and that after the ~4 GB update we got a few days ago.

I have an installed Ultimate Edition is 60.6 GB. I thought that the 4GB update was for the demo.

Both were updated.

I did update the game recently but my Xbox still says it’s 56gb and was last updated back in August when I bought it. Anyone else see this?

im now at 215.9 GB and still download how big is it …?

im now at 223.6 GB how big this game ):

Please stop spamming these updates. Something is clearly wrong as the game is only ~65GB.

You might want to contact Microsoft Support or check our support forum or support page for further details.

Sorry to bother, but it seems i am having the same issues. At almost 90GB download? Is this normal?

Same here, dont know if something is wrong, but im at 102gb now, and it shows im still under 1/2 way on the progress bar, although im sure that it pretty inaccurate

I want to contact the team and say that the update size is in GBs, with the recent one being 64 GB. This is equivalent to downloading an entire game. In the future, kindly send updates not exceeding 20 mb.