Game crashes for no reason apparently

Like the title says my Forza 6 Apex crashes for no reason. Since the day one I 've played the [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] out of this game with no problems thus far but as of yesterday my game crashes me to desktop. No errors, no nothing just shuts down and when I try to re-open it it goes in the loading (where you can see the Ford GT front right) and then crashes out to desktop again. If I reload it does it again and again and again but it seems to be lowering the specs every time it crashes until it goes into super low settings and then it lets me into the menu where I can put it back up to Ultra High and play again until it crashes for no reason again. Before people start saying maybe your machine can’t handle it etc, I am gonna say it again that I 've played many many hours on this game since it came and this has not happened up until yesterday.
Any thoughts?