I can’t belive I have had the game since Friday and I didn’t know there was a full R900 pi public hopper. Everyone has been moaning they can’t tune a car to full spec and it’s been there all along. I feel stupid but happy I found it. I dont think anyone has realised it’s full pi either.
Has anyone else found it??
I can’t belive I have had the game since Friday and I didn’t know there was a full R900 pi public hopper. Everyone has been moaning they can’t tune a car to full spec and it’s been there all along. I feel stupid but happy I found it. I dont think anyone has realised it’s full pi either.
Has anyone else found it??
Have you got a screenshot? The only Hoppers I saw were 4 Homologated ones and a spec room with the Huracán Super Trofeo.
Where is this Huracan spec room. I don’t see it.
U can fully tune in the hurcan lobby. Perhaps it’s a glitch
I also noticed when I used the 887 pi huracan it posted a lb time in an overall leaderboard with all classes on there x class was number 1
wasnt there a 200+ mb update 15 hours ago?(xbox one) was it in there maybe?
It’s always been there it’s the first lobby with no picture. Go smash it guys
Every lobby has a picture. I still can’t find it. Could you be very specific as to where it is. Thanks.
I will check when i come home from work. Thanks GTR TYSKIE!
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The first 1 it has a picture but it’s not a car like the others its the hurcan gt car
The first picture shows a road and says “Welcome to Multiplayer”. I can’t find huracan gt.