There are now hoppers for A class, S class, and P class.
thank the lord
This is good.
When you do your next Hopper Update Turn 10 please do not remove these, and please add the other Classes.
We are almost there now, all Classes + a few Divisions and everybody is happy
Yes c-class, please (or E, D, B)
THANK YOU TURN 10. I was getting so tired of S class.
Either keep these for the next update like said above or do some sort of rotation. Personally I wanna see some lower classes again, it has been too long honestly.
Thank you. No, seriously. This is what the loudest of us truly want.
My only gripe is that S class and the new A and P lobbies are not right next to each other in the list
Thank you. Now if we could just get the rest of the classes and have them all be permanent, that would be perfect. I now have a reason to fire the game back up and tinker and tune cars.
Whats about cycle production
That’s good news - however did they remove any lobbies to do this?
I don’t believe any hoppers were removed to add the new ones. P was a nightmare last night. I was a little shaky myself since it had been a while but most people were just not even trying and just ramming into everyone. Thanks for your tunes Wacky I enjoy using them.
Ah ok thanks for the reply will hopefully get a chance to jump on some time this weekend. And you are very welcome although I am far from one of the best tuners - still it’s nice to know someone enjoys them.
I think a drag hopper was removed. Sure I saw it mentioned but I never used them so not noticed what one it was but I believer there was 2 and now there’s just 1.
Historic road racing was removed.
P class is pretty useless, just rename it “max tuned Early Prototypes” since they’re the only competitive cars in P class.
Noticing longer races too just done 12 Laps at Prague full in A class 25 minutes. Nice one T10.
Noticed that too and was happily surprised. Turned out to be roughly 24 minutes long on VIR. A slight mess in the first sector, after that everyone seemed to race pretty cleanly, was a good lobby for once especially since its one of the harder tracks out there.
That stupid truck lobby got taken out also, king of the pool or something
Lap count in A Class? What is wrong some tracks have a crazy amount of laps and others only have 1. Come on T10.
Yep 9 laps around Nurburgring GP in the rain. 6 laps around LeMans. etc.