Free Play question ??

hi community… is there a way to play against F1 cars (Lotus E21) on Free Play mode? i know that i can play the MGP series on career mode… but its boring to have only races with so few laps… i want to play a 25 or 30 laps race on Nurburgring, but AI only take Indy Cars… im still playing this awesome game ! now im level 676!!

Yes. Go into multiplayer and press the “Y” button to enter a private lobby where you can dictate event parameters - eligible vehicles, number of laps, so on and so forth.

PI restrition maybe?

Unfortunately, no. The AI, with a PI restriction, will pick any vehicle in that class. The original poster explicitly requested the ability to create a Fomula 1 race … setting a P-class restriction will not do this.

Again, the best way to have full customization of single player races is (oddly) to go into a private multiplayer lobby where there are a wide-range of options to set up the race as one might like.