FRDT French Forzatographer

The Racing Line/Chapter1

The Racing Line/Chapter2

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Stunning shots! Been a big fan of your style for a long time!

Really like this -

Awesome photos Shogun!

thanks lethal and viper :wink:

The Racing Line/Chapter3

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I can’t pick a favorite out of these five shots, so i pciked all five of them :wink: But i do really like that BMW shot ha

Love those last three shots impressive stuff!!

Floored = Me

I like the tense mood in this shot.

These are from Forza? Spectactular racing shots Shogun :smiley:

I love the first and third shot, stunning work Shogun.

I wonder when the next update will be released. :slight_smile:

I haven’t looked at any of your stuff before, but I will be now if what you’ve posted is any indication. Well done mate!


thanks for comments :wink:
new update is here

The Racing Line/Chapter 4

Good god these are beautiful photos man, love how crisp all the details are. I can’t even begin to pick a favorite lol

Any shopping other than cropping? I got a lot of practicing to do to get my photos up to this level. Awesome job!

C’est magnifique !! :o

These are all awesome, very inspirational. Excellent job!

Those Bentley shots are gorgeous!

I’m an absolute sucker for these kind of shots. Fantastic set, very well done!