Good day i was wondering if anyone else is having problems wjfh the new forzathons for FM7 i have raced several times and im not getting credit for racing them
Having same problem and now forzathon is now saying coming soon
Make sure you have done the latest update…today
Also make sure friction assist is OFF
And that you aren’t using any super easy beasy assists
Please make sure you are on game version If you are and the tile is still showing as “Coming Soon”, please email
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Same here. Not one Event counts.
PC Version - Patch is installed.
Tried several foirzathon challenges now, not one is counting.
Even after doing 2 or 3 other races after.
In Horizon 3 everything works fine.
I´m out … this game is so boring and now even forzathons dont work, meh.
It´s really time for Horizon 4