Forzathon Retro Hot Hatch

Apologies if raised already

I have completed all the Retro Hot Hatch Forzathon activities in the Escort RS Turbo, but yet, only the first one has registered as complete. Nothing for speed zones, street races etc.
Anyone else getting this?

Have you completed the 2nd one.
They MUST be done in order

So if I did a speed zone and then a street race, it would reset the counter on the speed zone?

You have to 3 star a single speed zone to complete the speed zone challenge. Its worded wrong ingame, making you think you have to get 3 stars in total combined speed zones.

I used a fully ugraded AWD swapped Escort RS Turbo for the forzathon challenges.


Same for me. Same car, too. I wonder if it’s the car?

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I upgraded to b700, but no engine or drive upgrades, so nothing fancy.
Was pretty gutted after doing all those events and both types of speed zone / traps.

The speed zone seems to need to be done all in one zone, not spread across zones as the description eludes too.

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Thanks - will test it tonight

Managed to complete it in the end by following the exact order. thx all

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