

Thanks for taking your time to read my post. I have been an avid fan of the forza series since forza 3, I used to play quite a bit and had a decentish online rank, I never cared for leaderboard times/painting/tuning, I just loved the racing. Towards the end of the forza 3 era I started to learn how to tune, never really got anywhere, basically I just messed about with cars and didn’t have a clue what changing some stuff did, I carried this on through out forza 4 slowly moving up the leaderboard times, getting up and around the 200 mark, I got forza 5 in april of this year, I read a few tips on how to tune and tried a few things out, got a little bit more of an understanding of the whole tuning system. in a 5 minute tune and build on a buick I have about 3-4 top 50 times in c class, which isn’t bad for me. I’ve played this game mostly with a few close friends but as ive got better a lot faster than they have they seem a little reluctant to play with me anymore, I’m looking for people to race with and also share builds and tips with, I would finally love to learn how to build a car and tune a car to a specific track but I’m not going to do that without the help of you veterans out there, so if anybody fancies helping me out, maybe even befriending me so I can have a few more buddies to race with, it would be much appreciated

Thanks again

This forum is a good place to start: Have a look around there. A lot of questions are already answered, and there will be friendly folks to assist you.

Hi Snowowl,

Yeah I’ve seen the open source tunes in there before, I don’t really want to copy other people, I would rather know how to tune properly so I can tune to the way I drive. Plus I posted in here seen as this seems to be a little bit busier of a forum and not just for the hopes of someone helping me out with tuning but to meet people to race with. All I seem to do is join Multiplayer lobbies either full of idiots or people who aren’t at my level, I may find someone who is pretty good to race with every now and then in a lobby but its few and far between.