Forza Videos/Collabs!

Hi all, Im Ben (BxnPxrry on YouTube) and I make Forza videos, if any of you have the time to check out even a minute of one of my videos and give me some feedback that would be much appreciated, as it is EXTREMELY hard to get noticed, I am not here to advertise however, Id love to do a collab with a fellow Forza player who also enjoys the game and perhaps even does YouTube, it would be awesome to play some Co-Op with you guys for a video! If you`d like to get involved please leave a comment down below! - My channel can be found here if you want to comment there instead :slight_smile: - BxnPxrry - YouTube

not bad just remember consistency is key. make a lot of videos and have at least one a day and your channel will grow. I started back in september when the game launched on the 24th and now im only 65 subs from 1k!. Just keep at it


Thanks bro I`ll be sure to do that!

Hey man add me on xbox would love to do some runs with you and collab sometime got another buddy ive been helping too. been doing this since december 8th and am at 114 subs.

GT Twist3dDrift3r1

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Added you bro :slight_smile:

Hey man, add me (gt: daqqer2k), and send me message to collab. Im a new Youtuber myself also.
We can do videos or live sometimes together.

Be sure to check my ‘1.7m XP per hour’ video -

And my XP guide -

Good luck with your channel!

There’s a Content Creators forum for YouTubers here. Not sure if anyone looks at it though. I have a couple subscribers lol… Haven’t really promoted it. And pretty sure YouTube pushes already popular channels so the odds of being found in a search are slim. But making liveries and YT is what keeps this game going for me.