I think that Forza needs to do a Dirt like game with many different off road types like short course and etc. I think that they need to stop doing DLC content for off road and just make a damn game. Please oh Please. I am tired of waiting for Dirt 4. Plus I think forza could do a better game than codemaster.
Greenawalt didn’t close the door to a third franchise in the series, and a stand alone rally game could be a possibility:
"I’m not saying I know what the next 10 years are gonna be, but when I look at the trajectory of the last 10 years, I don’t see how it’s possible that the only thing Forza would be is Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. It’s gonna continue to grow, just as games have continued to grow. I don’t have a design on where the series will grow to, but I’m very excited about it because I think for us to have a greater impact in car culture and gaming culture it has to be more than just Motorsport and Horizon.”
Personally, I’d love to have a portion of FM dedicated to off-road racing. Doesn’t have to be huge, 4 or 5 different rally stages that could be inspired by Monte Carlo roads, Sardinia, Finnish/African environments and so on. And, of course, purpose built rally cars would be better than road cars + rally upgrades.
Anyway, let’s wait and see what the future will bring us.
Codies have done a pretty good job with the Dirt games and on their blog there are hints of Dirt4, T10 would have to make a really good off road game to co-exist with Dirt,imo.