Forza Motorsport Car Upgrading

Spot on, it’s disgusting and has killed my desire to play at all.

This will unfortunately likely kill this game imho.


I cant download player shared tunes even though the car is above required level. All shared tunes show a lock symbol…why?

Gives them the agency to build with the exact same type upgrades for each subsequent level unlocked for every car.
Encourage experimentation with the exact same type of upgrades for every car for each linear level.


The racing is infinitely closer in this than in FM7. How is actual reality the inverse of your statement?
(And its not down to the AI or penalties, That much is sure)

Play another game then. This is Forza Motorsport, a game built on “build freedom”. If you want close spec and regulation based racing, go to Assetto, iRacing, or literally any other circuit racer.


6 years for this? wth have u guys been doing over there? Wow u do realize that we have the same upgardes and tuning for the last 20 years or so. Why havent u guys made any strides in this category? Wheres all the new and innovative upgardes,customization and tuning features and options? Still no ECU tuning, no dyno,? Why not? POlease, its been years sincve weve seen anything new from Turn 10 and still we wait.
Anyway, ive asked for a refund and will move on…good luck to Turn 10 in the future…


@T10ManteoMax what is the point of utilizing car points? Can’t we just go back to spending our in-game cash on car parts? also, i am not about to grind the game for hours to get two of the same car and repeat the process of re-leveling the same car. Who on the team thought it was a great idea to keep track of 2 different types of currency when one is enough to spend on car parts? also, get rid of the leveling system for the cars. It’s absurd that we have to grind for an ungodly amount of time to level up just one car.



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Car points are ridiculous.