Forza motorsport 6 leaderboards and rivals leaderboards not working

Why is it not working?


it says " function disabled " , why?


The leaderboards are down today too !?

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I noticed in the last couple of days on campaign races that sometimes when you click the leaderboards it says unavailable but if you try again a few times it will refresh and show them again. They aren’t down, just temperamental.

That’s for campaign, Rivals however is completely shut off it seems. Which is terrible because you cannot hope to post a clean lap time on campaign, no way possible, SOME car is going to hit you or draft you. Rivals would be the best place to work on your track times and leaderboard positions.

Leaderboards are temperamental for me today. I guess servers are running slow again lately.

the funny part is that the message says " check for more information " and there arent information about the they disabled the rivals…

I sure wouldn’t mind hearing something official about it one way or the other. Without Rivals there is still a ton of content to love. But I’d like to know whether I should remain hopeful for Rivals, a feature I REALLY want to play a lot, or just forget about it.

Sound like I won’t be getting FM6 either.

Leaderboards still operating in FM4. Dust off those Xbox360’s.

Race ya!