I havn’t seen many car meets on forza horizon but if anyone wants to host one or wants me to host one let me know my xbox gt is: Ohh Holy Clam
I’m always up to do a car meet. My GT is ShadySLAYER666
Me too GT: xBlueZorH
Hey Guys,
I’m on Forza 4/horizon most evenings and more then willing to meet up GT: Silentsecurity
I’m normally on during the weekends ( if my mom does not take away my AV cord) but what kind of cars are you wanting to drive around in, and are you going to make a video?
I’m game.
GT miniw76.
Rough times would help.
Sounds interesting, and I’m sure it’ll be pretty fun too - I’m in. I prefer the Exotics like Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. but I can do almost anything. However, I don’t have any of the car packs so I think we should restrict this car meet to only the original cars, not DLC.
well I have a lot of cars but my favorite is the dodge charger and my camaro, but my lambo and my audi quatro sport is cool too. and my jeep
Guys add me on XBL GT: SilentSecurity
I host loads of game types, Cruises, Cops ‘N’ Racers, Car Meets, Tunnel Runs, Rally Courses, Highway Runs the Lot I’m on most evenings.
Trust me I already have a big community behind me, and with the Forza H Forum users United we can keep this game fun, and running!
Best Regards,
hey guys if u are still doing some car meetings let me know my GT: eXskoopShizz
Add me acupofjuce I’m game for doing a photo shoot
, who wants to do a car meet , or invite me to one , add me
Add me on xbl, me gt is LavishGTR, an i’ll join or host a car meet
Any one up for a car meet tomorrow?
Xbl: EliTe X FaTboY. Get as many as your friends as you can.
If anyone is still reading this, i’m always up for a meet. I’m more of a street car guy, so if you wanna do street car meets just add me on XBL, GT: hugonaaijkens99
im down
Ill do it. Im getting the game tomorrow but i can still do it. Hmu what time and where. My GT is F4TaL x Chrome on 360
ive started playing forza horizon again so if there is any car meets going plz invite me to the game. my gamer tag is ImMrMaggs
If anyone still does car meets I’m up for it add me
gt SwooPFadin
Im up for a car meet too. GT is same as username here