for nothing my save game on cloud is lost? [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] r u doing ?
i want my save back from cloud
im never cancel my game sync in start
thats just forzamotorsport problem
give back my save
i make a ticket on and after 2 days no one answer me!!!
I know this isn’t going to help at all but after Googling an issue I was having with only being able to save 18 photos then being hit with a ‘too many saves’ message, I found that many people playing past Forza games including Horizon 2 and 3 were having the same problem which got worse, not allowing them to download any tunes or paint jobs ect.
This seemed to be related to the cloud and eventual game save corruption which is irreversible, this forced many to delete their saved games and restart the whole game again. This issue has been going on since Forza Horizon 2.
I’m just posting this as it seems it could be related to your issue and also to make others aware.