Forza Horizon 3 crashes to desktop after a few minutes of gameplay...

Hi all!
I’m experiancing random crashes to desktop after 15 minutes of playing(recored was 30 mins). It could be done during a race, free roaming or online playing. When it stars to happen the game freezes, gray screen appears and game crashes to desktop. Sometimes i have BSOD with dxgmms2 sys message… I tried a lot of things to fix it and didn’t work for now. I tried turn off mic, reinstall graphics drivers, uninstall kaspersky, restore game data from control panel, switch in game graphics options, turn off MSI Afterburner and nothing helped for now. I have I5 8400, MSI GTX 1060 6GB and 16 GB RAM. Game runs like a butter on ultra and 60 fps locked but this crashes makes game unplayable. Another games works fine. I have Forza Horizon 3 with DLCs Blizzard Moutain and Hot Wheels. I know that a lot of people have the same issues. Any ideas for fix now?

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Developers don’t look much like they are addressing the issue even though they say they are, tough luck buddy, I’m suffering the same fate as you are.

In the same boat too, tried everything to fix it but nothing seems to work.

No fix

I haven’t fixed this yet. Any ideas what should I do? I want play this game but i can’t. It crashes in random moments if I’m racing, if I.m freeroaming and sometimes when the game loading or even on pause menu… Tell me why the hell it keeps doing? Another games work super fine and I have problem with this game only. Great game but bad port…

It only happens to me rarely. I remember booting the game up and when the game loaded to the garage, I left the room for about 5 minutes and when I came back I was on the desktop. But for me the game is still totally playable.