On Tuesday Forza accidentally released a 64GB update on Windows 10 . It had some indev operating severs and we got to see some cars that we have not seen before .
Additional Forza Horizon 3 Cars Found In Latest Developer Build - JUNE 2017 -Mountain Dew car pack to FH3
It appears Playground Games has more cars planned for Forza Horizon 3. Thanks to the accidental release of the dev version, players have found hints of new models buried in the latest update’s code.
BUG_Type57S_37 (1937 Bugatti Type 57S)
CHE_HooniganBelair_55 (1955 ‘Tri 5 By Fire’ Chevrolet Bel Air)
TOY_Sports800_65 (1965 Toyota Sports 800)
CIT_2CV_70 (1970 Citroen 2CV)
CHE_HooniganNova_72 (1972 ‘Napalm Nova’ Chevrolet Nova)
BM_Blazer_79 (1979 Baldwin Motorsports Chevrolet Blazer)
PEU_405T16_88 (1988 Peugeot 405 T16)
POR_Hoonigan_91 (1991 ‘RWBxHoonigan 965’ Porsche 911 Turbo)
MAZ_Twerkstallion_92 (1992 ‘Twerkstallion’ Mazda RX-7)
POR_928GTS_93 (1993 Porsche 928 GTS)
MG_MG3_13 (2013 MG MG3)