Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast and Furious-Xbox 360.

Hi everyone.
I was wondering if Forza Horizon 2 is after end of life or if it is near to end. Does anyone know? I tried yesterday join to Xbox 360 online road trip and it doesn’t work (28th January 2018). It was just my problem or severes aren’t fixed or they are dead?
The second question is: Since which date is not Forza Horizon 2 presents Fast and furious available to buy in Xbox Marketplace? I looked in market place this morning (29th January 2018) and it was not available. Would be available to buy later or it’s completely removed from Marketplace? In my opinion is much more possible that this DLC is not longer available than it would be available one day . I know that FH2 is already the old game but I was just wondering.
I appreciate all your answers. Have a nice day. Bye.–Xbox-One----No-Longer-Available.aspx

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