Forza Horizon 2 Issues [Update #10, 10/24 12:31 p.m. PST]

So I purchased the Ultimate Edition the other day and have yet to get any of my add-on material. I did some investigating and found the addons were under the H2 demo (the reason I spent 90 dollars) when I went to manage the game and not under the proper full game so I deleted the demo and addons and redownloaded the addons that now pop up under the full game but I still cannot access any of my purchased content or any of the online features, social, clubs, rivals etc. I am also guessing I am not receiving double xp or my bonus vehicle for being tier 3 on Forza hub. So should I just uninstall everything and redownload the 36.6gb of data? Will I get my double xp and tier 3 vehicle? Seriously confused and a tad frustrated. -Unclemase1