This is a bit of a shot in the dark but I know a lot of the more pronounced Painters in the community frequent here.
I’m referring the Special Liveries that Turn10/PGG Commission on specific Cars that are then gifted out for an Occasion of some sort.
I currently maintain a List that contains a section for all of these and I’ve been trying to credit their creators for a while now but unfortunately I have been unable to find info on who made 4 of them.
The 4 3 Missing Cars are:
• 2016 Dodge Viper ACR - Ugly Holiday Sweater (December 2021) - Image
• 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Super Sport - New Year’s Eve (January 2022) - Image
• Edit: VW Bug has been found, made by ForzaLiveryGuy
This next one I was previously informed that it may have been made by ForzaLiveryGuy but I’m unsure, if anyone can confirm please me know.
• 1961 Jaguar E-Type - Lunar New Year (February 2022) - Image
Here is the List, it’s a Google Sheet and the Last Tab are the Liveries in Question.
I know Little Vixen and Stuzib make a lot but I’d like to confirm just so there are records for them since the game sometimes won’t tell you.
Stuzib has been very helpful when I asked him if he knew who did what but I’ve been unable to find any means at all of contacting Little Vixen.
I’m well aware of the Privacy reasons and that she likely doesn’t want to be contacted by randoms like me. If anyone does have contact with her though would you please be willing to ask her if she’s done any of the cars?
Alternatively if they don’t wish to Credited in this manner I’d ask that you also let me know so I can redact their names.
If any of the others Painters in the Community already know who did the Liveries or have done some themselves and I either haven’t credited them or have miscredited someone else then please let me know.
Thanks for any help you can guys can offer in advice