Forza 4 Was And Is A Better Game Than 5

I’m not. You managed to post three times and give zero information as to why you think FH5 is better than FH4.

Perhaps have another read through what I’ve said without flying off the handle and you might see my only mention of FH5 was it being in a worse state than your favourite at launch.

My opinion on the subject:

Design editor - Best FH4, very bad on FH5 worse by 1000%
Body Rocket Bunny - Best FH4, absent from FH5
Landscapes - Best FH5
Forzathon - Best FH5 (but no players)
Events - Best FH5

after only playing 20 minutes in the past two days because the game is just not fun in its current state im gonna say four is better, but it also has years of patches and updates to get it in the shape it is in.

don’t judge 5 too quickly, at least give it a year of patches and updates and see how it is then. thankfully my life is busy enough that i can reduce my time in this game for a couple weeks while they fix everything and not feel like I missed anything.


We shouldnt need to wait a whole year (probably more) to see the devs realize how bad this game is lol. But yeah, i know gamers these days are used to this way of working. Sadly.

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There needs to be a lot of fixes for it to be considered a good complete game like Horizon 4.

Event labs has great potential and should be a good feature. But in reality it needs a complete ground up rework. Super 7 is an interesting concept that is terrible and pointless to interact with in practice. At least half the wheels have graphical errors. Performance is shoddy at best. Theres never a moment in freeroam where there isnt people popping in and out of the server flare. Five people drifting down the canyon run to all of a sudden disappear. This is the most iterative and least innovative Horizon game. And its had the longest development cycle of all of them.


I’m getting brutalized by save times in this game. Other bugs are a pain too. A lot of the time when I start the game my car cannot move and the game is unresponsive for a good minute. Its also missing Lancia (hopefully a free update later as the Stratos was shown in a sound trailer).

Map wise I enjoy this one much more due to the better highway, scenery variety and bonus board placement (kudos to that evil mad man).

Why not Mexico?

Because it is a boring landscape and honestly not a lot of people go there for vacation except to maybe Baja but that is like another country than Mexico. There isn’t anything there that a lot of people know about like familiar landmarks and such, so many better places they could have chosen and to be honest I think the location was some what of an agenda driven idea as well as political. And everyone knows that the majority of Mexico is ran by cartels, that is no big secrete.

Just my 2 cents

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There weren’t many issues with fh4 at launch but they sure introduced a bunch with updates. Every times they released an update, I wondered what they were going to break.


If we ignore the bugs though, I still struggle to see gameplay-wise what new features have been added which make this a better game:

Online - ranked and custom removed. No team Adventure. Unranked is the same. Definitely worse.

Stories- fairly consistent with FH4 on release I’d say. Acting/missions probably worse. Let’s say equal.

Eliminator - identical. No improvement.

Cars - slightly more than FH4 on release but considerably less than in FH4 now. No improvement.

Single player racing - I think there are slightly less tracks than in FH4 (there are for road and street and I haven’t counted the others). Tracks are slightly better in my view though. Equal - No improvement.

PR Stunts - pretty much identical to FH4.

The only new things I can think of are Event Lab, which I haven’t done anything with to comment on, and Horizon Open, which is decent fun but quite limited.

I haven’t touched 4 since 5 came out but once I’ve done “everything”, I think 4 is the game I’ll go back to just for fun more so than this one. I’m glad I didn’t uninstall it. I like the car handling, ai, and some of the tracks better.

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I’ll be honest, FH5 is a mixed bag.

The map is much better than FH4. The physics are much better. The environment and weather effects are better. I love they brought back FH1 style accolades.

Trouble is that’s it.

FH4 had much less bugs at launch. Much more content at launch. A sense of progression. Levels in event disciplines to progress. I mean for example, in FH5 someone heard I did a drift somewhere and smashed a bonus board and the just like that I was then on the start line for the Goliath. What the what?!

I think it’s difficult for me to make a call at this stage. In 6 - 12 months maybe I can.

I really like the improved graphics but like others I just feel the map is a bit underwhelming compared to FH4. I get it has lots of nature and scenery but there was something that just worked well about the UK map. FH5 feels more like Australia in FH3 for me minus Surfers Paradise.

FH4 had lots of villages and towns and loads of little details here and there. It had such a mix of scenery and the winter season was really cool.

This is why the next FH needs to both imo either Japan or Germany.

Other than that like Jezza has stated in it’s current form it just feels a bit like a step back gameplay wise from FH4; Arcade is a poor relative of Forzathon Live, content is less (less cars overall), no monthly online ranked with rewards, no S7 High Stakes, no backstage pass.

A lot of these (bar S7 HS) were really good and there was no reason for them to be dropped.

I like the fact they have dialled down the SuperWheelSpins but they counter that by giving out loads of cars. I also like the PI restrictions and brands on the playlist.

I think the game has potential but it is going to take 6 months or longer for PG to potentially implement these. Will they bring back Ranked racing, a better arcade, backstage pass? There is no reason they couldn’t but only time will tell.

I’ve noticed the paddle shift animations have been removed from FH4 to FH5, the active aero on the LaFerrari has been downgraded from FH3 not sure if on other cars as well, a small thing I noticed is that there isn’t a shadow of the drone in drone mode anymore, that was a cool attention to detail I remember in the past ones if you looked down while flying around

Yes the game is prettier, the map is gorgeous, so what. I’d rather have more little details correct inside and outside on the cars and in the world instead of losing little attentions to detail just to up the pixel count. I fear this will only get worse with newer forza horizon games as they just try to have 4k ray tracing 60 fps but what lose all active aero and forzavista opening engine bays (this is a car game about cars right?) No lets add a battle royal mode, and more clothing, and socks to this CAR RACING game,

GTA V and RDR 2 (disregard online aspects) are lauded as some of greatest games of all time because of their attention to detail and delivering fantastic single player shooter experience, then they started to chase online modes and fornite flying cars and clothing and shark cards, released a terrible remastered version, etc. I see forza going the same way, game is super high quality, really blew up in popularity and is now going to die/lose is identity trying to appease everyone and reach out to more and more non racing fans (not a bad thing, but it is if new players are too heavily favored over retaining long time players)

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I keep reading people saying this sometimes. I dont get it. Why is the game prettier??? why is the map gorgeous???

Graphics are way worst than in FH4. Not because you have different assets and a couple more weather effect it means graphics are better lol, in fact they are downgraded from FH4.
They used the exact same assets than in FH4, they didnt even bother to include models with more polygons… lol.
Specially, now the aliasing and shimmering is completely awful (not that you know what that is of course… if you say the game is prettier).

Map gorgeous? i dont understand what you mean. All i see are boring roads surrounded by trees, dirt everywhere, cross country everywhere (because we didnt have enough of it in FH4…), sorry but FH4 was way more dinamic and beautiful.

And again, this is like colors, and as long as you are not a ridiculous fanboy, you can like the game more than Fh4, but that wont make your the facts true lol.

No, its not. The game cant even be considered an AAA game lol. But fanboys cant think otherway.

FH6 will be set in Somalia probably.


Where can I pre-order? That sounds amazing.

Apparently the game was released a year late but at the same time too early considering all the bugs. Disappointing…