FM5 Turn10 messages

In FM5 home screen it shows I have 30 messages from Turn10 but when I select it I do not see them do I have to have a LIVE account to see this?

I only started to play Forza 5 yesterday (even though i have had it waiting for a long time) and i got a bunch of Team10 messages.
I was able to view all of them, they are on their own tab on the messages section. Did you check that?
I do have Xbox live gold membership, so i can’t comment if i would have seen them without it.

Okay I gold membership now for 1 month I ll try again

No luck… still cant view any of the message, in the home screen it shows I have 35 messages

Are you using the Right Button to scroll to the right after you enter Messages from the home screen? I think the tabs show the different types of messages.

I am a big fan of forza motorsports .I have had them all .bought xbox one for f5 big mistake visually a great game but tuning is along winded affair .you dont get a proper start no ghost and if you play in free play you can’t tune I hope you sort it out for f6 otherwise xbox will go anb speaking to friends so will theirs

I’m pretty sure i have tired all the buttons on the controller, but I will try again

Use Right Bumper and Left Bumper to scroll through the tabs on the messages screen, there should be a separate tab for “Turn 10 Messages” (or something like that).

thank you guys , im such a lamo…i got it finaly

i have got 323 messages from turn 10 they dont say anything interesting i would ignore them.

well on some of the email i get , I received free car to download so better to check them

Wouldn’t it be a novel idea if we could delete the messages…

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