FM Connection issue reports after August 2024 update

Connection issue reports after August 2024 update

This topic is being opened to monitor for any common causes related to connection and server issues. New individual topics will be merged here; if we find a common cause we may move the related topics into a separate topic for tracking purposes.

Note: While this topic helps provide visibility on emerging issues and common causes, if you experience a connection issue you should report it directly to Forza Support via ticket for investigation.


  • As with any bug, the first troubleshooting step is to quit your game and restart your device to see if the issue clears.
  • If the issue persists after a restart, read the “Multiplayer, Online, and Network Connection Troubleshooting” article at Forza Support. This article provides steps to troubleshoot various types of connection issues on both PC and console.
  • If the article does not help resolve your connection issue, we’re asking players to report their issue details in this topic and upvote it to help alert the team to emerging issues that are preventing players from getting into the game and features.


Include the following details when posting here:

  • The date and time when you first experienced the issue. You can use the Insert Date/Time feature in the top edit bar of your reply, or provide a relative time (‘an hour after the Autumn season changed’)
  • Your game version number
  • Your game edition and device (such as Premium or Cloud, Windows/Steam/console (and which console)
  • Account permissions and sharing
  • Your region and language setting
  • Whether you are using a VPN to connect
  • Whether the connection issue is specific to multiplayer, certain features, or the entire game
  • Screenshots and/or Video of error messages if you can provide them
  • Confirm that you have attempted to quit/restart your game and whether that cleared the issue.
  • Whether this is consistent in the same circumstances or apparently random
  • Note if you have submitted a related ticket at Forza Support.

Remember to upvote this topic if you are experiencing an issue, whether you provide details or not.

New topics about connections issues will be merged here, which means your subject line will not transfer, so be sure to include your details in the body of your post which you can edit after the post has been merged. If you are experiencing the same issue as a previous post, feel free to Quote it.

This topic is only for connection issues that occur after the most recent content update; all other issues should be reported in separate topics.

This bug or problem has been happening since the last update. I was playing normally before the update. Basically the connection window doesn’t leave the screen.

Below is a link to a video I made and posted on YOUTUBE that better shows what is happening to me.

Please if you are having the same problem as me, VOTE, for the Devs see this… Thanks!

Platform: (Windows PC)
Edition: (Game Pass)


Hi @StraiNN4846 . Please add any connection issues to this link:

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After the August 12th update I was simply unable to play online. In fact, it’s impossible to even play the career mode. Being offline, it only lets me play Free Race.

I have already opened a ticket explaining my problem, I have already followed the steps in the article “Multiplayer, Online, and Network Connection Troubleshooting” and I have already reinstalled the game, nothing, no solution…

As I said, this bug or problem has been happening since the last update. I was playing normally before the update. Basically the connection window doesn’t go away from the screen.

Below is a link to a video I made and posted on YOUTUBE that better shows what is happening to me.

I don’t know what to do anymore, after the update I simply can’t play the game that I unfortunately love. Which honestly, in short, seems like the developer doesn’t want us to play.

I play through PC Game Pass, the version of the game is the latest one that came out (I have no idea what the number is). I play from Portugal, I don’t use a VPN and I don’t have any account sharing or family wherever is this.

Last night me and my friends experienced random desync moments whilst racing in Private Multiplayer.
Mainly on the straights, but sometimes through corners of varying speeds too. The cars around the person experiencing the desync would just start teleporting all over the place and contact between cars would be one-sided (other wasn’t even near on their screen).

The weirdest part of this is that it never was all of us at the same time, but just one, with no correlation about part of the track/certain speed/specific player that was near. The next lap/sector the person would be fine and someone else would experience the same thing…

I don’t know if this is was an unlucky server moment, or if this is experienced by more.

Update aug-29:
This issue is still ongoing for me, specifically in Featured Multiplayer. It has reduced in the occurance, now it’s only it high speeds on straights. It does still vary from player to player when it is occuring (lap/sector).

XSX, many connection issues yesterday, see screenshots. Game is literally not playable at all due to these.

My internet connection is fine.

The issue seems to be fixed as of now.

For those who are having the same problem as me. After receiving the answer from Arcanist on my ticket, I followed the following steps, and my game started working perfectly again as it should have from the beginning.

Remember that my case was on a PC Game Pass…

  1. Sign out of the Xbox app and close it.

  2. Delete the Xbox Identity Provider cache:

  • Type %localappdata% in your Windows search bar.
  • Open the Packages folder.
  • Search the Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider… folder.
  • Click on the AC Folder.
  • Open the TokenBroker folder.
  • If you see the folders Accounts and Cache, please delete them.
  1. Clear all Xbox Live Credentials:
  • Click the Start button in the lower left corner of Windows, type Credential Manager, and press Enter.
  • In Credential Manager, click on the “Windows Credentials” button.
  • Scroll down to Generic Credentials
  • Find all entries that start with “Xbl”
  • example “Xbl|Devicekey”
  • Select the expand button on the right of the entry
  • Select to “remove” the entries
  • Remove all entries that start with “Xbl”
  • Please note you may need to sign back into other applications due to this.
  1. Try lowering the graphics settings:
  • Select Offline Play, then go to the game Settings
  • Try changing the graphics settings to Low, then restart the game.

After those steps, please try again to launch the game with your main Xbox account and test the online features.

If the problem persists, please try Performing a clean boot in Windows | Microsoft Support. This will disable non-essential applications on startup so that we can better determine what might be preventing your game from successfully working.


I hope it works for you the same way it worked for me.

Good Luck, and see you on the track!

I am having the issue as well and none of these workarounds are working.

Hello @StraiNN4846 . Any tips for xbox consoles?

Dam*, that’s a shame it didnt work for you. What I can suggest is that you open a ticket HERE, and explain what’s happening to you and tell them what you’ve already tried to solve the problem.

Im sorry bro, I don’t have anything for XBOX unfortunately.

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I only have issues connecting in multiplayer. When clicking to join the event sometimes it just loads or spins and spins, let sit for 5 minutes and still there exit game and come back. Sometimes it goes right through… just my experience.

Series x
Version- 1.638.6387.0

Das Spiel ist wohl eher ein Problemberichtsimulator.
The game is more of a problem report simulator.

same here, i play on PC and Series X, but this error only happen on PC

Have you tried following these steps? HERE

I dia, but this issue is on

This topic is being closed to refresh the monthly tracking. If you continue to experience connection issues from before September 9th, please upvote the new pinned topic in FM Report New Issues

This topic reached 9 votes.