Flag Rush

Im pretty interested in how or even what Flag Rush is. Does anybody have a description of this game mode or possibly a video of it?

I’m kinda interested to know this too.
From it’s name it sounds like a race to a single flag/checkpoint somewhere on the map. Maybe when that one’s been tagged it’s a race to the next one and so on. But that’s a guess.
I like races like that because it’s not all about the fastest car or best driver. Luck and chance can play a part too.

There was an old game i used to play, and there was a mode i think it was called flag run. Very similar, although that means nothing. lol. But the core of the gameplay was two set versions. Free for all, or team. Basically a flag would appear at rnadom on the map, and you had to go to it, “capture” it and take it back to the start point. Free for all was carnage all the time. With team, if you had a couple of reliable team mates, you could run two blockers and one runner, and you’d win every time. Most teams fought amongst themselves too much. lol
The other possibility i can think if is the flag chase they used to have in insane. Where you went from flag to flag to the finish. Pretty much a standard race. lol

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^ Ah like capture the flag? Loved that in MC Dub 3 lol

If it is capture the flag that could be very fun. That’s sorta what im hoping for tbh.

Yeah, I figured it would be something along the lines of Capture the Flag. Mitchy’s idea sounds good as well.

So a couple of months ago forza announced a feature call flag rush and I want to see what you guys say it is this my opinion - YouTube

Forzathon has a D class event happening im trying to do. Problem is I can’t seem to find the public flag rush or infected areas… do i just join a random adventure and hope that those events show up or is there or more streamline approach.


Have cars that start in D tuned to C, B, A and S1.

Join Online Adventure and Custom and ask for games only. If it finds nothing then choose any Online adventure. When voting, vote for an adventure that includes the games you still need.

EDIT: the event is not D class. The event is cars upgraded from D class to whatever class is being run.

I was hoping there was an easier way. I tried the custom games only for over an hr and I kept getting put in lobbies by myself. I really didn’t want to have to rely on other people’s votes to hopefully get something that has those games in them. Guess it is what it is though.

The game is fun but it get’s ruined by people who cheat. They stay in the score zones and steal flags off others. It’s not in the spirit of the game. If everyone did that, the game would not work. Some people actually go and get the flags and play the game. Forza should change the points system and give more points got getting the flag and less for scoring. And even less for stealing a flag. As it stands, if you play with a bunch of tools they will ruin the game.

It’s a cheap tactic, but not cheating. Completely agree that it’s not in the spirit of the game, though.


I have often considered “if you can’t beat them, join them” and just do the same thing. But it’s not fun. I really hope Forza changes the points for this game to deter people from sitting in the score zone whilst letting others do all the work in bringing the flags to them.

It can get annoying a lot of times and is my least favorite of the 3 playground games (though King isn’t much better). And it brought back… interesting memories from playing online in DiRT 3. Transporter in said game is basically the same thing as Flag Rush. Car Soccer in FM4 was the most fun I’ve had in an online game. I hope they bring it back for FM7 or FH4.