I have an LG OLED C1 and C9. The problem is the limitations of the XSX and that there are only 2 graphics options in FH5. Performance to me is the only viable playable option. Quality looks great when your car isn’t moving but bad when you start driving.
I think they are 4K. So it seems like it’s just pot luck if it works then? This isn’t the first time someone said they use quality mode with no stuttering and I’m like “but… D: ??”
I’ve never owned a LG so can’t really make a honest comparison; I’ve always owned Sony’s based on the quality, but I honestly see none of the issues you describe. It’s basically real world realistic in terms of the graphics sitting still & in motion. I could send a link for a video to show what I’m talking about but I know that may not be an accurate representation
XSX quality mode has high motion blur when driving regardless of your tv. Maybe it doesn’t bother you but to me it’s horrible.
I reported a problem swapping,but a reboot of the XSX sorted it. For me the problem was it lost all my Hotwheels progress.As i said ,a system reboot sorted it,so it was just a few minutes of panic rather than losing anything.
There are motion blur settings in the game menu,not sure if they’d help.
Not that you’d be using quality mode even if they did
TV’s also have motion blur settings. I turned motion blur off on my TV.
I got a new Series X two days ago. Was using One X. I didn’t realize FH5 is a different build for Series X and lost the first evening waiting for the 101GB upgrade to download. Last night was my first time playing.
Yeah, the performance improvement is staggering. I’m running in performance mode with short blur. It’s super smooth and graphics are much better. Feels like I’m playing a different game.
I tried some rivals events and easily knocked 5-7 seconds off of my best times from One X. I had to update some of my tunes to compensate for smoother motion at 60fps. So far, I’m impressed.