Final HotWheels map posted on Instagram

Recently on Forza’s Instagram I saw the final HotWheels map

Instagram Hotwheels map

What are your impressions on this?


All I can say is it may be true or it may not be true… until theres a official statement about it… its best to try and not get your hopes up… either way I am hyped.

I quite like it

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Oh… my bad its still posted when you said Leaked I assumed it was immediately pulled back down xD

It’s a bit of a meh from me. Not for any negative reasons but until you’re actually in the map it’s not giving us much. Not long to wait though and am looking forward to it.

It looks like it will be way more fun than the main map. :muscle::muscle:


I think I can see orange tunnels not sure.

Looks like a nice bit of area to drive off track in the 3 biomes. I’m curious if we’ll be able to make eventlab courses without Hot Wheels track pieces in those areas.

I can imagine some cool baja, snow and jungle courses down there.

I was told there could be tunnels so I hope so.

It looks fun to blast around and let off some steam. Gonna be some amazing crashes.

I’m actually looking forward to it now. Hope it’s good.

I wonder why some parts are blue? Never saw blue parts in any video.

I remember FH3 Hot Wheels had some blue sections. Like intersections that would then have orange tracks connected to them.

I imagine ice track pieces and maybe water plume pieces could be blue as well.

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In FH3, the blue loops were the most fun. Very easy to slingshot on those but if you react too late, you’d push opponents instead flying past them.

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Where’s the spider hiding?

It’s a map created by a cat with some toilet roll.

It looks like an ash tray to me. :smile:


I can visualise the meeting and just how this wonderfully crazy map was thought up haha.


It will be interesting to see how many if any tracks allow you go either left or right. I can see multiple of these splits on the map but the question is whether we will have a choice while “racing” and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each.

The biomes concept is actually not far from what we saw in the first HW expansion back in FH3.

As usual, the biggest issue with the map is how anti-Horizon it is. Forza Horizon has always been about freedom. In Hot Wheels, there’s no freedom. You’re always surrounded by walls.

Sadly, not a lot of people understand this, which is why we have a new HW expansion here.

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That’s a good point. To me the HW expansion will be all about racing and the biomes are merely for looks. The big question is how fun will racing be in HW. Will it be awesome at first then get old quick. What was it like in FH3? What was the longevity like?

If you fall off the Hot Wheels tracks, will you fall down into the Mexico map or will you get reset back on HW track?