Final HotWheels map posted on Instagram

That would be hilarious. Cruizing around Mexico and seeing cars falling from the sky. It would also give quite a literal meaning to car drops in Eliminator.

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They had these splits in FH3 Hot Wheels races and you could choose which direction you wanted to go. Not sure how much advantage either direction gave you but I’m sure one direction or another gave a slight advantage.


I like that it will be a fun blast gearedmore to just going really fast, doing cool races and stunts. Like a huge stuntpark in the sky. No need to be too open in this expansion, but I have seen a ramp in a river so there is some roaming.

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It seems like these biomes will give more freedom than the FH3 Hot Wheels expansion just because there’s more off track places to drive.

I’ll be curious to see if we can create our own races in the off track parts without the need to add Hot Wheels track pieces.

I guess having to use a current race start point could be an issue.

Forza Horizon has freedom, it isn’t about freedom.

It depends on what you’re looking for. Hot Wheels is at its best with ultrafast cars. IMO the FH5 version will be better because S2 is ridiculously fast in FH5.

With a selection of snappy track pieces coming along with it, it potentially offers more freedom for creating races.

Also, in the FH3 expansion there was a couple of places you went off track onto one of the islands. Given that this expansion has more solid land mass involved, I suspect you will be able to leave the track to explore the biomes and wouldn’t be surprised if there are some races there, too.

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Few things I noticed:

  1. There’s a massively long drag strip from the center of the map going north.
  2. You can drive into a volcano in the left biome.
  3. There is a disconnect in one of the tracks in the bottom left of the left biome. It looks like a jump between platforms with booster pads on each side?
  4. There are fat and thin roads. I suspect thin roads are vertical and fat roads are not.
  5. On the left hand side of the top biome is a big orange element. I believe this leads to a tunnel where we go underground and come out south of this point. If you look down you see a road that leads no where. It must be the other side of the underground tunnel.
  6. There is a double loop on the far right side of the right biome.
  7. There are alot of loops. Alot!
  8. In the top right corner you can kind of see a river through the clouds which would imply the hot wheels map is above the clouds and not viewable from the ground.
  9. It’s hard to see but the top biome has many tracks that go under the trees and not just above. I think this will look beautiful like me.

I’m actually quite impressed now after looking at the map more closely.


So, this is over the Mexico map? Does that mean from the normal map we’ll see floating roads and platforms in the sky?

It’s a possibility. It’s possible on a clear day we will be able to see it and it even might be possible that we can fall from heaven back into hell. However this would go against their zoned based expansions to date so I would treat this as a slight possibility (more unlikely).

I’m not sure that the game can run all those graphics at 60fps. The grass detail on the ground is probably too high for it to work. Looking down from Hotwheels you can eliminate the small details.

I thought they said before launch that they now can expand the map.

I wonder what it would be like to play eliminator on this map or the other pg modes like infected.

I need to put someone in the lava. :smile::star_struck:

Just to see… :lab_coat:

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