Final fantasy 16-bit buddies recolor request

hey i seen this paintjob for the regalia and i was wondering if any1 would like to try and replicate it? its a special paint job for the regalia from final fantasy xv as a pre order.

forgot to check which section i made the post. ment to place it under paint booth

Not normally the sort of thing I would go for… which is precisely why I’m going to give it a try :smirk:

I’ve never played any Final Fantasy games in the past and it took a while to find source pics of the whole car that I could work from. The only issue I might have is the main image on the bonnet but I think I can get it fairly close. Anyway, needs tidying but here’s where I am so far:

from left to right: Noctis, Prompto, Ignis & Gladio.

Only 7 more characters plus custom fonts to do :wink:

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More progress…

from left to right: Cor, Cid, Luna & Cindy.

3 Characters left plus text etc. Hope to be finished by the end of the weekend.…

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Look spot on to me without an exact side by side comparison :o

Cheers Vaporisor :slightly_smiling_face:

After watching the clip in the OP I thought both sides of the car would be the same…

It took a while to find but I’m glad I checked because the other side is completely different.…

I didn’t realise just how many variations of FF sprites there are out there either, LoL!! Managed to find decent enough images of the ones that exactly matched what was on the car…

That’s about the best quality I could find, not ideal but sometimes that’s part of the challenge of Forza painting - I could’ve settled for better quality source pics that were slightly different to what’s on the car but in my mind it wouldn’t have been worth doing if I couldn’t get it as close to the original as possible :wink:

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Very nice job MIDNYTE DUBH :+1:

Thanks Farfadet :slightly_smiling_face:

I finished the last few characters - while making the 2nd Noctis sprite I realised I’d made a couple of mistakes with the 1st one so they’ve been corrected too…

from left to right: Pryna, Umbra & Noctis.

Just the text & hood image to do… (in between the football & MotoGP, LoL!)

I wanted to redo the version Chocobo, but the pictures are really not good :confused:

I know what you mean, it often takes nearly as much time researching the designs as it does creating them (well it does for me anyway).

Trying different search words might help, for example I googled “Final Fantasy Regalia” / “16 Bit Buddies recolor” / “FFXV preorder” / “FFXV sprites” / “Final Fantasy pixelated characters” as well as individual character names, then spent god knows how long trawling through photos and YouTube clips for any helpful screenshots I could grab. I reckon it was close to a fortnight before I felt I’d got enough decent source material to do the design justice.

I couldn’t quite get it exactly as I wanted (the detail on the rear license plate wasn’t worth doing as it would’ve been lost once shrunk down) but I’m happy enough that I gave it the best I could. Been a bit distracted with RL stuff but finally got it shared this evening… better late than never I guess? :smirk:

File name is FFXV REGALIA 113 or you can quick search MD as usual……

really good job :slight_smile:

Brilliantly done Midnyte!!

Wicked work man! :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2: