So hats off to PGG for incorporating an actual Mexican themed series tie-in, but with the launch of FM8 & the already struggling player engagement for FH5, I can’t be the only one to see the irony of the Día de los Muertos theme & timing.
I’ll admit, given the reviews & feedback so far, FM8 wasn’t looking too appealing & I had planned to jump on through GP just to give it a quick go & move on. A couple hours later, I was still playing & quite enjoying it actually. Not having played much with previous FM titles, I didn’t get too granular with specific tuning or upgrades & only adjusted controller setting to eliminate dead zones, then enjoyed some tracks. I can definitely see where it will get pretty old pretty quickly, but the graphics are amazing (XSX) & handling isn’t too bad overall, at least for the short time I played.
So with FM8 clearly & understandably garnering its share of focus & engagement from a large part of the community, it feels like this series celebration may be more than just symbolic when it comes to the sustainability of FH5…or is it just me? I’m not planning to walk away from FH5, but it certainly has an effect when the community engagement & participation gets to such a low level & the subsequent results. Even those activities many of us try to participate in together are dwindling, so trying to stay positively engaged will continue to be part of the challenge imo.
played FM thru game pass and its like playing a game from 1997 when it comes to the graphics (but the graphics being bad could be because in playing on a xbox one S). the racing has good physics and the cars I chose are fun to drive but other than that I really dont like it. the penalty system is very sporadic and as another said once you pass the drivatar you never see them again. so I think ill be sticking with horizon for now
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I can definitely see where this would push the limits for a X1S, but it’s pretty amazing on the XSX. Would also agree on the penalty system; It’s probably my lack of understanding, but I was also confused as to why I had a warning flag next to some laps when I ran (what I thought at least) was a perfectly clean lap.
@not_2_good1708 , I played FMhate through GP on a PC and thought the graphics were rather cartoonish. Not because they were bad. But because they were far too good. The cars are garrishly glossy and unreal looking. But the scenery looks just the same as FM7. In running Watkins Glen and Homestead I really can’t see that they did anything more than copy and paste the Watkins Glen track. But with Homestead, they did do something different as the track surface now looks, for lack of a better word, funky. And all this is with the game running very well at 60fps I should add.
So between the two various graphics extremes this gives the overall illusion of rather horrible graphics. Especially for a “built from the ground up” brand new, six years in the making game.
If I were a T10 developer, I’d certainly be ashamed to admit it after releasing this game. Probably get this post flagged. But we’ll know then that they know what kind of game they released.
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Wasn’t aware of the GP access. I ran Spa on GP and the graphics looked pretty good. Theyvdid do an upgrade on Spa. The track looks great. This run was finally a step up. I’d actually give it an FM7.6 rating after running Spa. Now it dumped me into Suzuka. Let’s see…
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I’m not real clear on the way the game lists your top scoring friends as apparently your “rival” at the start of each race, but that was you for my first race. Was quite surprised to see you didn’t go with the Mustang 
Got any official numbers and not just gut feeling? Whenever I need to find multiplayer stuff for the weekly tasks I have no problems getting players to join.
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So suzuka didn’t really look any different than FM7.
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Forza Motorsport 7 Patch Notes - October 5, 2023
- Fixed an issue where the player had too large of a track list to choose from
- Fixed an issue where the game had endgame content and a long campaign
- Fixed an issue where the game had no bugs
- Fixed an issue where the game was innovative
- Removed various cars
- Fixed an issue where the graphics actually looked good
No, I don’t. Steam probably has the best available tracker, which shows a steady decline for monthly averages since July, but that’s obviously not representative of the entire player base. If you have official numbers refuting this, feel free to share.
LeMans Old track. Looks like they did upgrade the track here too.
Interesting that you can play the game on an Xbox one s through the cloud but not from the xbox. And it seems to play very well.
I hate to admit it but at this point, I’m kinda getting into the game. At least for an open race standpoint. I might take a shot at the online stuff and see how well they do at matching up players levels.
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I like Motorsport currently but I don’t think it will be the typical Horizon players cup of tea. So give it a month and players will flock back to Horizon, especially if/when new content drops. Speaking of new content, sounds like FH6 will be late 2024 at best, so until then it seems like we will get more FH5 content which is good in a way. Although FH6 would be good too lol 
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It’s too bad we don’t have the option of a global map to allow us to travel between previous locations.
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I’m not expecting FH6 until holiday '25 although late '24 would be great.
Reason being, presumably they’d be using the retooled Forza Tech engine, and it won’t be on last gen consoles, so I suspect they’d go bigger with a sequel.
These aspects would add to the development time.
On the other hand, MS has a lot of studios and may not have room in its release schedule to fit FH6 into its normal release period in the fall so maybe we could see it get a spring '25 release window.
That would be FH6 done right. Integrate all previous Horizons into a killer game. But it would take more than what PGG has to work with to make it happen correctly.
I booted up FM today and wasn’t moved to do a single thing. the chances of me grinding another few hours to tune another car is a flat zero, I’m kinda done.
if I could afk on my Xbox one, I’d do it, but they had to make it x/s only for all those massively upgraded textures /s
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Even on this antique Xbone (no x or s, series or otherwise) ! Kinda surprised it seems to run fine on this ancient hardware too. Pity it’s cloud play only, my internet is up to it, almost, on a good day, lol.
Earlier was no-go connection wise but I was shocked there was no wait to start cloud gaming, figured it would be swamped.
This evening a long wait in the queue had me wondering if it would work but my connection was “good nuff” and I was getting into it but need a much better connection to actually enjoy it. Three achievements, apparently saving (but no cloud save file showing
), and hoping it might count for the E-Ray I shut er down and fired up FH5…
…shiny new E-Ray in garage. Sweet.
I’m just getting ready to give FMhate a night time try.
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