Okay Forza idk how th I can come in contact to tell you guys that we need cross-play implemented into Fh5 there are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too many cheaters on this game that you clearly don’t care about banning. Okay fine if you don’t want to ban them least you can do is have an option that separates us from PC players Horizon 3 had it why can’t Fh5 have it and also separate PC Leaderboards from Xbox this is n on going problem man like sheesh I’ve been asking for crossplay as long as this games been out just give it to us already I’m done with hackers using grip speed boost to get an unfair advantage. Idc if I lose I truly don’t BUT, I want to lose fair and square that’s what gains my respect people who play fair and have fun not the toxic players who use 1% grip speed boost others are more open with it to where you can see it but still just fix the game and give us Cross-play off option!!!
I fully agree with BadMoney. I don’t mind losing fair and square but it’s obvious some people on pc mostly are using some kind of cheats or mods for online racing. People will quit the game if they notice the developers don’t care for fair play and don’t do anything about this subject.
And another point what I don’t understand. Why change the physics of the game every update? It makes good tunes and cars drive horrible. In cross country races all of a sudden after you take a jump, when you land your car completely comes to a stop. Driving dirt/rally races cars all of a sudden can’t take bumps anymore. Why change things that don’t need changing. But don’t do anything against cheaters?
Fluffy is absolutely correct stop messing with the physics too fix the physics back to when the game started and give us a cross - play option that’s what we need we spend hours getting tunes trying them racing laps and you change things that don’t need changing! This needs fixing ASAP and what’s the point in sending a ticket when a bot replies with “iM gOiNg to mARk this as SoLvEd” that’s very poor customer support fix your game already I bought Fh5 on Xbox to play with other Xbox players! Not to be forced to play with unskilled egotistical people on PC
I completely agree with these points we really need to the crossplay implemented into this game im just tired of the cheaters. If your not going to ban exploiters having this feature would really help see your true skill instead of going for records on leader boards and all you see is cheater it just doesnt make the game competative or fun at all, cross play is a must along with having the option to seperate yourself from the cheaters ingame and on leaderboards
I Agree with all of the reasons the others supporting this vote said the people who play the game legitimately and don’t cheat deserve better we need to be able to choose who we play with because we want our experience to be as good as possible but we have pc players coming into our horizon open lobbies and destroying us with there cheats and ruining out experience and out games with there unecacery cheats pushing us and ruining the race and then messaging us saying ban for there wrong doing and also the new phicics update is terrible fix that too
Just set your Xbox to not allow crossplay. That won’t sort out the Leaderboards, I doubt they will ever be. I’m not sure if the FH3 and FH4 boards got cleaned. If not, don’t expect these to be.
I tried that before that doesn’t do anything it doesn’t work at all. Tried it for FH5 and Cod MW2