FH5 DLC: Horizon Racing Car Pack | June 2023

theres no reason that my 500mb/s internet should be capped at 15 by microsoft/xbox, the update took over an hour

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No, i would never put that in my mouth, but my dad likes it :grin:

you have 4000mbit/s? thats crazy

Someone said something about 19:00 as the usual time and I had no idea what they were talking about. It might actually be 7pm before this becomes available.

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7PM Pacific?

Central. But thats based on nothing. Have no idea what he was talking about. I was just making a joke. Might be another day or two before we get it.

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currently in Italy the purchasable package has not yet been released, the update yes but the package no


Got the update installed but can’t buy the car pack. In game it just says marketplace error and the car pack doesn’t seem to exist in the console store or xbox.com website store.:smirk:

This is a really poor rollout of this car pack. Steam was on the ball, but Microsoft can’t even put it in their own store in a timely manner.


Its always been like this.
Its always been an MS issue.
Was the same exact deal with the release of the game.

Only when theres something to complain about

is it there now? I bet it isn’t

so all the time?

i wanted to drive the Pagani today bru

same bro. same

I wanna drive the base Huayra. You know. The one thats in the game but no one can use.

I’m curious what your reasoning behind that statement is.

Let me ask you something in all fairness: Do you realize that other racing games (I’m mainly referring to The Crew 2, but I’m sure other racing games have this algorithm too) have blatant pay to win and/or pay to progress mechanics? For example, in some games like The Crew 2, have cars locked behind a seasons pass, which costs even more money per season, while other cars you have to pay as much as $20 or more for just one car? Also, In The Crew 2, you could grind for hours and hours for just one car.

Where as in Forza Horizon 4 and 5, you can earn cars just by playing the game via wheel spins and weekly events? Not to mention that Forza has no Pay to Win or Pay to Play system, and once you buy something, it’s yours to keep. Sure, they may add newer content to buy, but is $5 really that big of a deal? That’s cheaper than an average fast food meal at say, McDonald’s as an example. And yes, I too purchased the premium addition at $100 back in 2021, but I’m okay with spending $5 for some cool cars. $1.25 per car is better than $20 per car as in other games.

I’ll mention one more bonus: In The Crew 2, you have a mediocre customization system with no access to community made logos/decals what so ever, and you can only have 16 skins per vehicle type (16 for cars, 16 for planes, and 16 for boats). That’s a dated system that makes nearly no sense.

In Forza Horizon 4 and 5, not only can you access community made decals, there are literally thousands to choose from, and if you wish to make your own, you have a ton more options.

I know this may appear to be a game vs game statement, but my intention is that in my honest opinion, I don’t believe that Microsoft or Playground games are greedy, for the reasons mentioned above. Yes, they could fix more bugs, add more QOL features, but at least I don’t have to pay a fortune for seasons passes like in other games.

My 2 cents.


3 hours, 32 minutes after steam gets it.


i got the same problem…


They are definitely less price gougy than other games for sure. Thats what I’m trying to point out to anyone who thinks $10 would be too much for 4 cars in Horizon. People spend a whole lot more on a whole lot less on other games. But one of the biggest issues with the series is the lack of innovation/lack of expanding on existing concepts. So other series like The crew 2 are innovating. Despite their driving model being absolutely putrid and unplayable.


Melodramatic to say the least, TC2’s physics work as intended.