FH5 DLC: Horizon Racing Car Pack | June 2023

Oh stop, your employer wanted to make more money not give players more options to experience cars. Seriously bruh…

I don’t have a confirmed time, but I’d say around 19:00. The time when updates get uploaded…

Despite games taking often twice as long or more as they used to in the aforementioned ‘oven’ before release. And people will praise and clap at the mention of delays and ‘ready when its ready’ sentiment, despite the fact that you could count on one hand the number of AAA releases in the past 15 years with more than a years delay of release that came out that was anywhere near a ‘complete’ state by pre internet patch standards.

Yes agree with you! I rather pay for car packs. Because i hate everything about “game as a service”, it does not bring anything good to any game in the long run.

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Needless to say I probably won’t be buying this. I have bought the premium add-ones bundle and, since this isn’t included, I won’t be getting it. I do believe that turn10 is trying to get more money :laughing: lol.

Weren’t you the one asking for a LEGO car pack? Or was that sarcasm?

All of those who complain about this DLC not being in the Prenium Edition, go read what you’re getting with it, especially the car pass content. You got what you paid for.


With FH being GaaS, I don’t care for neither soending ectra tine or money for more cars.

I get it, it’s really fair to think that we have the most support and updates with constant input of vehicles through seasonal events and an extra package to somewhat support the company is fair.

I dont understanding what you trying to say. What does “soending ectra tine” mean?


Ehh I researched it and it want very good. The best was Fortune Island. It looks the best anyway! :smiley:

Uhhh… Okay

I meant “spending extra time”, specifically for the festival playlist

Was it?? I have heard that.

The purchase link on Steam is now available:

I’ll link the Microsoft Store when that pops up.


my game is updating right now. will this car pack show up in the PC Xbox app or will it be in the Microsoft store?

Its not on the store? HAHA.
This update has been going for 15 minutes on a half a Gigabit down speeds. Is it reinstalling the entire game?

At least MS’s store download throttling hasnt changed.


This is about 20% of my actual download speed.
MS pretends to be some Marque namebrand. But their dev echosystem is like the buying experience off a chinese online retailer.
Dont buy anything off the MS store or Xbox ever. Get it through steam.

I’m getting full pipe action…

I dont know if it’s me or what but i can’t find anywhere where its says,

“when you buy this game you will get many bugs and you the customer will be the ones to find them and report them to us, we will most likely ignore most of them. You should also know that this game is not even close to complete it’s really in alpha stage. But we will ofcourse pretend that it’s done. We will not have any kind of anti cheat whatsoever so don’t bother report cheaters bec we will only mark it as solved. Oh yeah, we did also say it was a story mode in there somewhere but we lost those files so we cut and paste something to make it kinda look like a career mode, and ofcourse this will also most likely not work proper either. And in fh5 we removed almost all traffic becuase we really care about the environment, and it has nothing to do with the guys who coded this game left a long time ago. Oh yeah we know you probably don’t want something childish as hotwheels for a expansion but my grandson really likes it so thats that.”

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Well. No idea why.

Always been like that for me.
Gone through 7 years of different internet speeds and Xbox and MS store has always crippled it to about around that much, up to a maximum of 20MB/s that I’ve ever seen.