FH5 DLC: Horizon Racing Car Pack | June 2023

I don’t understand; while 360 rounded up is 400, something doesn’t seem right.


Yeaahh. This ones odd. The AMG I4 is supposed to have 360bhp. While the old Toyota V6 is tuned to 400bhp. Somethins off .

Seriously, even those who paid for the ultimate add-on pack will have to pay for the new carpack?

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might seem off but remember “ultimate” “premium” is just part of the name, really, and the contents were clearly stated at the time of purchase

There isn’t any “Ultimate” Edition for FH5. All content included in the Forza Horizon 5 Premium Edition and Premium Add-Ons Bundle has already been released, which includes the full game with the Forza Horizon 5: Hot Wheels and Forza Horizon 5 Rally Adventure expansions, as well as Car Pass, VIP Membership and Welcome Pack. With the Horizon Racing Car Pack, we wanted to create another option for our players to experience even more incredible cars at the Horizon Festival.


I am not a fan of the cars included in this car pack, however I do support that they have released a car pack.

This is because car packs are vastly superior to playlists.
Yes, playlists are free. But that is the only advantage.

As long as I pay $5 I can buy the cars included in this car pack whenever I want. And there is no chore for that. Can I only purchase one car? That’s not true. I can buy 10 or 100 of those cars if I want. I don’t have to reload the AH a million times to do so, and I don’t have to suffer the frustration of repeated defeats against bot opponents.

The last point is especially important to me. I enjoy owning multiple copies of my favorite model in any racing game.
However, the playlist content requires a tremendous amount of patience and luck for me to achieve this style of play.

For example, I want 10 copies of the Hummer EV released this season. I have enough cr for that. But I only own one Hummer. Because either no one has listed them on the AH when I am logged in or the bot is buying them before me.
I want to enjoy Forza as a racing game, not an eBay simulator. I’m willing to pay $5 or $10 if it saves me the hassle of doing this.


Speaking of Japanese cars… Toyota GT1 TS020 (Road Variant, Race variant or both) when?

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Lets not hire a team to check for bugs or if a update is ready to be released, let the customers do that job for free. Oh yeah and we let them pay for more content too above the premium addons wich also came with bugs that they could report about.

Really hope that they fixed the driving physics in the new crew motorfest so we finaly can leave horizon in the rear view.

I honestly don’t get the sentiment of “Premium Edition has to include everything released over the game’s lifetime”.
It’s clearly communicated in the description of the Premium Edition what it entails.
Additional car packs weren’t.


Fh4 had 1 car pack i think that cost money to premium users and that was hotwheels. The rest was free for premium. But bec the state of fh5 overall i think its greedy to charge even more money, it only shows it money first, customers second.

I think it’s greedy to get everything you’ve paid for and then expect more for free…




Well i never got what i paid for in the first place. If i knew that this would be an unfinnished game with more bugs than cars then i never would of paid for it. Im still waiting for my moneys worth. Fh5 is a cashgrab at best, it never been a serious attempt to make this as good as they pretended it to be. And the low number of players both in game and on this forum tell the facts about how hard this game has fallen.

So i understand that they need to charge for more cars bec there is little to no income from this game. Without gamepass this game would be canceled.

Yes you did. Read the description of the premium edition.

Your money’s worth is a completely different argument.


Premium yes base game no.

When exactly is it gonna release?

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And as I expected there’s a lot of entitled little kids in this discussion.


Hopefully you take another year away from here if that’s your idea of a counter argument.


Does anyone know what time this update drops???

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Is there any dishonour in offering a few cars for a couple of quid? Nah. Course not.

Is it common industry practice? Sure it is.

Is there a new beef with you & teh studio now over this cheap DLC. No, no, 'course there isn’t. Haha.

But are you little disheartened? Well. Just a little. Just a little. Just a tiny annoyance that comes from an unexpected small charge.

Leaving all that aside - what’s the gravitational force pulling you to get this DLC?

The Forsberg car is interesting.

What’s the gravitational force pushing
you away from getting this DLC?

As a fairly committed forza player, my garage has almost no room. Unless, a car is a total scorcher, gorging on extra new cars has almost become counter intuitive.

That brings me to what might be a meaningful ‘add-on’ - if only for me anyway - garage/tune/livery space.