Note: This category was previously used to combine voting on models for both FH and FM. Car voting was separated for each title with the launch of Forza Motorsport and this category was renamed and is now used specifically for FH5 car voting.
Car Voting topic creation is restricted to Forza staff for standardization purposes.
If you have Car Voting topic questions or corrections other than Car Topic submissions feel free to ask here. I’ll try to clarify as much as possible.
This is a Q&A thread. Opinions or suggestions about the Suggestions Hub should go in the Other / Forums Suggestions category.
Rather than extend the length of this topic with replies, you may see me edit your own posts with a response marked in red.
(Don’t bother Voting on this topic, it doesn’t get measured for anything)
Are we allowed to suggest purpose built race cars (Pikes Peak Escudo, as an example)? All of the threads to vote on are for road cars, so I would like to know if race cars are on the table or not
We’re eager to provide race spec cars for voting as well.
We’re going to try race spec cars a different way and open threads for a particular class / era (so in this case maybe Hill Climb | 1990s) and then include polls within the post to identify most preferred models.
Please check back this time tomorrow to see those threads added.
That’s correct, we’re now using individual threads for each model using the forums Voting function rather than transcribing one long thread of lists. Read through the Getting Started with Suggestions tips including the Navigation guidance for more info.
A nice addition to the “Car Voting” is put the car photo in the first topic, to all see what car it is, I needed search for every car on the list to see the model.
In progress: this will be a longer term goal. Users may add a reply to a car voting topic with a photo, particularly to highlight a specific version of the car (no endless photo strings please)
I’d be in favour of that as well, it’d make the process of seeing if you like a car much easier (Performance statistics would be neat as well, but not required)
Yaris after 2020 has various versions i recommend the Forza Mod team to separate those versions Toyota Yaris - Wikipedia
Also Some Dacia models has Renault Badge on them on Latin america, i sugest to put both names as Renaut/Dacia on same post, eg. Dacia Sandeiro / Renault Sandero
A sugesstion
Do two different threads for debate and voting
One for era (for historic cars)
One for actual non-historic racing series (eg TCR Homologed Cars, GT3, GT4, Spec-Series)
Some people prefer racing series over age and others dont like modern cars and prefer more like Group B rally from 70s to 80s, so to avoid to threads get biased for a group or another, i think it is a better solution
Ok, so asking to be sure, new gens must be reported to Car Topic Submissions?
Also about cars of same gen ,but with different names and models (eg Ford KA MKII had two different models 420 and 402 but on index is listed as one, likely 420) it should be reported there as well?
I’m still tweaking a lot of these car definitions, so it may become clearer as I go through that process.
When prepping model names I often quickly made a note of the most common variant of that model in the name. Eventually I’ll remove those from the topic names and indicate the variants of that generation in the topic body (with plans to provide polls for voting on preferred trim etc). So in some cases the intent is to be broad with the model title. If it’s arguable that there were two generations where I have one topic, note that here.
If a car model marked “-current” has ended that generation and been followed by a new generation, which is what you want to vote on, please put that in Car Topic Submissions.
I know there may be contradictory examples but please be patient as I go through thousands of requests to clear them up.
Sugestion: Remove votes for motor and Car Trim
Most car people will vote in performance versions and Petrol/Combustion over Standard versions and hybrid and electric motors anyway
Also it can end up being a PR nightmare bond to happen if they pick Combustion but devs due logistical or other reasons pick a hybrid or a all-eletric, lot of people on car community genuinally dislike or even straight hate eletric cars
Instead of it, let people talk or suggest on comments about versions they want
I am ok with Horizon and Motorsport votes, but i think that it should be leaved to Devs decide anyway
Yea i saw that, but for non Racing Cars, i suggest that they keep just the main vote system and simple thread talk to avoid problems
People will focus only on the votting buttons than the replies and thread talk, and I am sure that they will complain if something goes agnaist the extra votes if they keep those vote options beyond the main vote system. (eg People vote for a Petrol-Only version but devs only manege to get a Hybrid or All-electic version).
People, especially in the Car community, tend to be very hard about their opinions and feel threatened and betrayed when things dont go what they expect, so make the options wider will be better to avoid those issues