Festival Playlist events and rewards June 29 - July 6 (Autumn S22)

Added a video of pesky Hot Wheels water slide speed zone to my initial post. Dirty and clean run.

It’s RWD but a fairly good tune for something that needs to work for the masses. Good handling and not particularly quick.

I think that’s the first time this month (presume they also did it last week but I didn’t check as my Silvias were all tuned anyway) they’ve taken cars out of their usual class in this way and they’ve also upgraded the drivatars to top of A class as well.

A welcome change as it gives them a lot more flexibility - for example, they could even do A class Modern Rally rather than B class every other week!

I assume it’s that blueish widebody thing on Horizon race tires?
Wondered why 4 out of 5 players showed up with it and assumed it’s a popular tune.
Since I also ran a RWD widebody race tires build it’s certainly not a bad pre-tuned car.

2016 Lotus 3-Eleven

Tuner: Eley9

Tune: AT-MC 390/H
Created on June 29th

Yep that’s the one.

I’m curious to see if it’s just the Trial that has had this or its for everything else(tours, co-op champs mostly), that would improve these because it’s not unusual for half the human players turn up with a poor car and (no)tune.

And to answer my own question the rental for a co-op championship is still stock.

Three is two too many, especially when there are no other cars on the track.

I used Cashless’s '09 tune. Had a weird run though. Team lost the first race mainly cos I was trying not to hit the two team mates in front of me but they were refusing to get out of the way whilst the two lead AI were pulling away. Finally got past, blistered up to the back of the AI but it was too late by then. 3rd spot and a team lose. Second race, I decided just to get through as soon as possible no matter what (despite starting at the back in both races). Took 1st easily and we got a team win in the end. Readying for the third race we were gifted the event with a one-all stat!.
This is an odd game indeed…


The lagging menus are gonna put me an asylum at some point :clown_face:

That’s been happening to me some, especially if the second race is a trail. A win on a 2nd trail seems to deliver a win regardless of the outcome of the first race.

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I prefer to think the AI got scared by the speed of the Cashless tune once I got through the team-mates and the win margin in the second race and just quit. :smiling_face:


In the process of flying home now from hell, I mean Texas….:joy::joy::joy: Will hopefully have something up later today (Pacific Time).


Let me know when your tunes are up, I might run the Trial again to try it out.

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I like that explanation, so I’ll accept it! :upside_down_face::laughing:
Glad the tune worked well for you, Cheers! :grin:


Looking forward to these! Glad you didn’t melt while in Texas! :joy:


Well it definitely wasn’t due to superior driving ! :smiling_face:

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I had only done the Trial in the 03’, went back and tried the 09’ as well and have determined you’re right…it’s the car! :rofl: I don’t do that well normally! :crazy_face:

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I was hampered in the first race by two team-mates that wouldn’t budge and I was trying not to knock them off but it was obvious I was way quicker. Once I got past, I just flew into the distance - just too late getting released or I would’ve definitely had the win over the AI.
Second race - fought the way to the front early on and disappeared into the distance.
Wasn’t easy on a wheel with no e-brake on those tracks but the tune was the winner.

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Anyone come up with what the best car for the rally DLC championship would be?

Already done the championship but the 2 tarmac + 1 dirt race does add an interesting + rarely seen dynamic to things, I used the Ram for all 3 races but that was just because I didn’t think it was worth using a different car + using up a tune slot.

Jeep CJ5 would be my initial guess due to it’s ridiculously low weight but I really don’t know for certain.

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I did it in the Ram too,co-op. 1st race,team mate in a Scout shot past and i couldn’t catch him.Roles reversed for 2nd race - but that was mostly cos we’ve just done Verde in rivals,so i could blast it.
Scout is often on the leaderboards,but i’m not sure i’ve actually driven it myself,or at least,can’t remember it -must have come up on a rivals at some point i’d have thought

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