[FANTASY] [RACE] MiMiC Jackolantern done

Nice work Mimic, really like the idea of the tongue on the Kiss paint

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I am planning on doing a little twitch painting tonight on miss Quinn around 5 cst if anyone cares to watch

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Coming along quite nicely mate! Keep 'er coming. Your shading is expert.

Not expert… I’ll leave that for Tominininininin… I cheat a lot, use lazy technique and take short cuts. I like good enough :slight_smile:

But I will however take the compliment and say thank you sir. Appreciate it.

That’ll be a new S2000 paint for moi

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Very nice progress on Harley Mimic, shading is looking pretty sweet so far.

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Keep it coming. I’d like to collaborate again. Simply amazing work! Did you import the Lucky Taco?

I have not… but I will in between being mad at her!!!
Lol. She gets on my nerves when she doesn’t do what I want her to. I’ve painted the black part of her hat 3 different times now and I’m still not sure I’m happy with it


Kudos on Harley Quinn looking forward to seeing it done

Charlie Brown is awesome man! Glad to see you still at it.

Quality work Mimic

Nice work, the detail / shading on the storm trooper, yoda and charlie brown look amazing.

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quick threw this together on the F-n-F skyline. Notorious B I G reppin the PTG on his mic and the Boogie Down Bronx

and as of yesterday MiMiC is in the list of bad words, i cant type it in the description anymore… random. but its ok.

Miss Quinn is on timeout. spent 2 hours on her and my box froze… yeah nothing saved. so we are fighting right now

paint i did for Raceboys Twitch 10k followers

Very nice looking for both of these mate but I can’t believe how amazing the Biggie paint is! Awesome awesome awesome!

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is the Donald Trump portrait gonna go on the hood of the limo? :wink: lol

seriously though… creature’s looking tight :slight_smile:

Creature’s looking good so far Mimic - might have to have a look for that imported Japan drift paint with the Tiger - first time I’ve seen that I think.

Nice one.