Explorer Tier 30 what am i missing

Hi all my Explorer is siting at 3000 off level 30 but everything is done as far as I can tell, Anyone hit 30 or did playground miscalculate.

It’s not because the LEGO Barn Find is missing. Stories are going to be added to the game, eventually.

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I thought initially finding the barn gave you the points? Wouldn’t the car being repaired just add to your car collector tier?

Sitting at the same level
Seems to be the highest available
Maybe room to grow for things added in the future
Most other things max out at either level 20 or 25

yep have had most other things max out countless times over
.only time see the level on the level up popup would be nice if actual level was listed on front of each life card .

I’m 3,100 off level 30, have earned all the road discovery trophies yet my ‘Roads discovered’ stats are 529/531

filter your map (RB on Xbox) until nothing is on it zoom in and study for gray spot most likely at end of track or behind a house my last spot was behind Derwent mansion. yep road discovery triggers early.

I think the final 3,000 points is for discovering the location of the 12th (and final?) Story, whenever that releases.

It could also be for the barn find though.

Yep didn’t think of that would be final story thanks

I am reviving this thread for obvious reasons.

The update with the Lego Barnfind got released and it is definitely not the Porsche that adds the last 3000 Explorer influence.

I guess, you people are right, it has to be the location of the last story that is missing.

Not an obvious reason to revive a pointless thread
The barn find was nothing to do with it…it had already been found
Just be patient and wait for the next story

Do stories give you Discovery points? I don’t remember them doing that.

On the other hand, I notice that the stats page says 12/13 Player Houses discovered, even though 13/13 are owned. I wonder if it’s not counting the LEGO house since it drops you there.

I saw that as well, maybe you have to complete all the LEGO challenges in order for the house to count as being owned. Just a thought.

Nope, I’ve done all of the LEGO challenges, house fully built, and I’m still at 12/13.

So it’s not only me than who has the same problem, was just looking at it and I’m in the same boat 12/13 houses and 3000 away from Level 30 in explorer, also in the Star Card there is one Story/Business missing while I have everything unlocked…

its the same for everyone, there is still at least 1 story to come but you don’t need it for gold if you have the expansions
and everyone is 3000 away from level 30
mine is showing 13/13 houses

so it’s not actually a problem

Owned or discovered? Two different stats.

I am showing 14/13 houses owned… That last story is literally all i need to have everything completed lol

I have 13/13 owned. Those with 12/13 might need to check the VIP/Forzathon bonus house, since that glitches and became unbought for many. I recently found out and bought it again (free with VIP bonus, still got another 5 super wheelspins)

No, it was a display glitch that was fixed in the update 4 weeks ago. This thread was from before that.