I appreciate the votes, here are the threads.
This is a merged thread that absorbed my suggestion. It was initially made before the changes to the suggestion hub: I want custom championships back
I also made a suggestion that would function exactly like custom championships but be more flexible and powerful. That thread is here: Horizon Custom Tour
I’m not a huge fan of relying so heavily on metrics though. Metrics are notoriously bad at predicting latent demand. On top of that, not all votes represent equal demand. I feel the game has shifted a lot to cater towards game pass tourism and left hardcore fans in the dust. But it’s more than that. I’m talking about issues that not only effect me, but my whole clan. No-one else in my clan is going to come to the forums. Yet, as a clan leader, my single vote is worth just as much as someone who visits the site once, votes on one thing, and probably will only ever play 40 to 60 hours.
I’m not saying my vote should count for more, I’m saying that maybe logical thought, critical thinking, and hopefully some genuine passion for racing and car culture should be prioritized over blindly following metrics.
I’ve identified a problem, in the form of general discontent rising from a lack of proper endgame and PGG prioritizing the illusion of community over actually supporting the formation of community. I’ve identified the key solutions I feel will help solve this problem, in the form of custom championships, a car meet mode, ranked racing, and getting rid of the passively forced always online dynamic servers that never have and never will once work as advertised in favour of static lobbies that people actively make the choice to join.
Now obviously custom championships are by far my personal priority, but that doesn’t make the other solutions any less important to the game as a whole.
Again, not all of this is directed specifically at you. But I do need to talk about it all for the sake of anyone following the thread.
Side note: I don’t see how custom championships would be that hard to make a reality. They obviously have the tools to put championships in the game with the seasonals. It would really just be building new ui elements and attaching the functions of those tools to said ui elements. Unless they are programming new championships from scratch each month… which would be insane, and the ultimate expression of working hard but not smart. Would explain why we get B class modern rally so much though I guess.